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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 24, 25th September-2nd October 1649 E.575[3]

{Part 2.
Nu. 24.}
Mercurius Pragmaticus.
(For King Charls II.)
Communicating Intelligence from all Parts
touching all Affaires, Designes, Humors, and
Conditions throughout the Kingdome.
Especially from Westminster, and the Head-Quarters.
From Tuesday. Sept. 25 to Tuesday Octob. 2. 1649.
With What fine Tricks this Bedlam-Age
Deludes the Curbed-Crew,
Is fittest to adorne a Stage
Out-stripping Turke or Jew.
How cunningly they Gull and Cheate,
How seriously Thank God!
And when they'r Slaine, Chas'd, Taken, Beat
Content to kisse the Rod.
Adjourne for shame and sit no more
To Persecute the Land:
Shut up your Legislative doore,
Your Myrmidons disband.
Tredagh, Dundalke, and Trim's the Kings,
Brave Aston's yet alive:
But Since you forge contrary things,
Wee know well how you thrive.
---Nemo'me impunt laceffiss
WHAT twice tormented with a Counterfeit, certainly the
third time will worke a miracle upon the Ideot, and teach
him manners before hee have wit: yet I am 10th to lash him because hee's
a reall pretender, but if hee persist I'le slice him in Sippets and serve him
up at the Lady Bradshawes Table, where if the Danish Lady (aliâs the
Westminster Strumpet, that married Holt after hee was Condemned,
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