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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 25, 9th-16th October 1649 E.575[20]

discharged of their Instructions, so that happily they may bring him to
the Barre, but that they dare proceed to sentence, much leste to execution
let it never bee imagined.
And yet hee hath potent Enemies, no lesse then Bradshaw and Scot,
the first whereof said on Friday last, that if Lilburne were not hang'd
himselfe would bee burnt; for that (saith hee) the State can never
expect an houre of security till hee bee cut off, and the rest of his Faction
quell'd: The latter hath vow'd his destruction, without more adoe.
Now what their Malice can or dare produce,
Let John expect; for bee's quite out of use.
By Letters from France it is certified by an expresse to the Queene of
England, that Collonel Venable being sent with a Partie of 800. Horse
towards Wexford, with Instructions to Summon, and Article for the
surrender of that Towne; was met with by a Party of Inchequeenes
Horse, who having notice of their Advance, lay in Ambuscado, and
upon their approach fell upon them, killed above 100. in the place, and
tooke 500. Horse more, with their Riders; the rest (together with
their Collonel) being forced to flie and shift for their lives.--- Yet
hereupon was grounded the Relation of another Utopian victory which
speaks the taking & killing of 3000. Royalists in a Bog &c. other reports
are spread of the surrender of Wexford, and the taking of Kilkenny;
whereof I have no certaintie as yet: but by the next I am confident
I shall give you the exact truth of all.
For though they boast of strange and huge defeats
Beleeve that list, for wee shall find them Cheats.

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