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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 24, 25th September-2nd October 1649 E.575[3]

suspition at the Tayle of him, and that is, the shot hee (is said to have) made
at two men at three quarters of a mile distance, which tooke off the Arme
of Michael Jones; Indeede if it were so (as I much feare it was not)
'twas a happy shot, but the gunner none of the wisest that would point
a peece of Ordnance upon two Men Only, at so great a distance.
But I will not trace him further in his errors, nor should have thus
farre, but to put him in mind how foolishly hee hath abused himselfe
and the Reader, and my selfe more then either, in fathering such untruths
and impossibilities upon me, who have hitherto dealt candidly,
and hitherto beene esteemed so, unlesse such Counterseits as this injure
me in my esteeme, which I shall revenge Liberally, if ever I bee abused
so againe; --- Now then to Intelligence.
And first from scotland, whence by Letters of a late date it is thus
informed us; --- That the Committee of Estates, since their removall
to Edenburgh have fritten very close in compiling a Letter to
his Majesty, and in electing Commissioners to send with and presse it;
The Contents where of are said to bee such as are thought the King will
not refuse. Being cloathed in fine imbroydered language, containing
many serious Invitations of him thither, with large proffers of security
to his Person, and their Assistance with Men and Money's to put him
in possession of his Rights : --- That they have waived old proposition
which imposed the Covenant upon him, and some other things
that hee shall bee admitted without any other Conditions then
granting an act oblivion to all of that Nation engaged against his
Royall Father, except such as have had any hand in the Murther of
him; and taking the usuall Coronation Oath of the Kingdome;
which is but in effect, That hee shall Governe the People according to
the Lawes of the Kingdome, and maintaine and defend the Religion
which hee finds Established there: --- That no sooner the Letter was
finished and the Commissioners ready to bee dispatcht, but Major Bosvile
Arrived there, as an Agent from his Majesty, with Letters of Credence,
and a Message so acceptable that it was thought fit they Re-viewed the
Letter over againe, and to returne it as an Answer thereunto, as well as
his former, which they went speedily about with such alacrity and joy,
that it gladded all Edenburgh, and hath since so wrought upon the
Affections of the People; ney upon the Rigidest Prisbyters, that they are
Priest and People, one & all to have this gracious King amongst them:---
That this hope of Complyance startles. Argile exceedingly, and the rather
for that newes was brought thither, That Montrosse was Landed in
some part of the Orcades with an Army of foure or five-thousand old
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