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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 292, 26th December 1649-2nd January 1650 E.536[33]

Weekly Intelligencer,
To Prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, December 26, to Tuesday, January the 2. 1648.
THe last Day of this weeks Intelligence will be the first Day of
the Beginning of the New-yeare, and I hope it will be no superstition
to pray that it may be an Introduction to a safe and lasting
Peace to this miserable and distracted Kingdome, which heretofore
was the wonder, and the envy, and is now become the pitty
of our Neighbour Nations.
Tuesday Decemb.26.
THe great Expectation of the Kingdome are the proceedings of
the Army and the Parliament concerning the King. The Generall
Councell of the Army sate long this day, and late this night.
The Resultances of their Councells were, that the Parliament
should not proceed against any persons to give Judgement, but according
unto what is Law. They are resolved to have a Government,
and the best they can imagine. The Magistrate is to have
power in things civill, and the people are to be governed, and submit
to those good lawes which shall be held forth unto them. There
shall be none forced to serve in warre egainst their wills, nor shall
there be any toleration for Popery, or for Prelacy.
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