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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 292, 26th December 1649-2nd January 1650 E.536[33]

The humble Petition of the well affected Gentry, and other Inhabitants
of the Country of Norfolke, and County of the City of Norwich,
Humbly Sheweth,
THat after a vast expence of blood and treasure of many years
continuance, we have expected a firme establishment of our
Native Liberties; but by the just hand of God upon us for our old
and new provocations in our unchristian divisions; and abominable
self-seeking that is amongst us, even of all conditions; and through
the restlesse malice of our secret and open adversaries, wee are under
the shadows of hope cast back into as great fears and dangers
as ever, having no greater security against our first removed evils
then at first, if so much. Now to the end wee may not deliver up
our selves to ruine, by neglect of our first principles, sealed with
Oathes, Vowes and Covenants, as well as the naturall ties of sense
and reason, assuring Common and publique, if not Universall good
hereby. We humbly offer these following offers to the honourable
House for redresse of prevent, and prevention of future evils, viz.
1. That present enquirie be made who have been the chiefe Instruments
of the King in the former or this latter war, and the late
inviting and bringing in of the Scots; and that he himselfe, and all
such as have been the most notorious Incendiaries and Instruments
in shedding blood, may without further delay bee brought to due
and impartiall Justice. The remisneffe in which upon serious inquisition
wee fear to be one of the chiefest causes of Gods so great
displeasure, in the severall judgements now in this Nation.
2. That Courts of Justice both for law and equitie, Judges, Officers,
and Fees certain, and Laws in the vulgar Tongue, and all
other things concerning the administration of Justice in this Kingdome
may without respect of persons be so speedily setled as may
agree most with the rule of Christian duty, just reason, and the true
birthright and priviledge of Englishmen; And that accordingly
impartiall Commissioners be forthwith authorized and employed
to try the severall persons that had any hand in the mutinies in
Norwich, Kent, and other Counties.
3. That some speedy course be taken whereby the way of discharge
of the debts, especially the publique debts of the Kingdome
may be ascertained, and to that end that no more Compositions
be made with Delinquents till they be all discharge, and the last
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