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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 292, 26th December 1649-2nd January 1650 E.536[33]

penny due as arreare, or shall become due to the Army satisfied;
and such as shall thought fit to be sold to be ascertained, and the
same accordingly performed, extending as well to the new as the
old Delinquents; and that all further Taxes for the security of the
Kingdome, may throughout the whole Kingdome be made as easie
and laid as proportionably, and so to be levied as can by your wisdomes
be contrived.
4.That such as have been in action in the last war, or formerly
against the Common-wealth, may be disabled from all offices and
places of trust in Parliament or elsewhere; that under the notion of
a Peere wee be not voted or contrived into ruine by them that
could not beat us into it, and to that end that a speciall committee
be ordained to order and regulate affaires of State during the
intervals of Parliament.
5. That the power of the Militia of the Kingdome may not bee
conferred by your Authority on Malignants or Newters, but that
the same may be put into such hands onely, whose integrity, fidelity,
and affection to the Parliament cannot justly be suspected.
6. That the Army whose faithfulnesse and constancy wee cannot
but acknowledge, may be vindicated against all unjust odiums and
aspersions cast upon them especially for their late proceedings in
order to impartiall Justice upon the capitall offender, the belt
means to establish this dying and almost miserable destroyed Nation,
and the better preventing the odium of the people against
them occasioned by free quarter, that constant pay be provided for
them. And your Petitioners shall pray, &c.
An Ordinance was passed by the Commons for the continuance
of the Assessment upon the Kingdome for the Army for six moneths
to come. The Articles for the surrender of Scarborough Castle
were approved by the House of Commons; Forty pounds was ordered
to be given to the Messenger that brought the Newes. It
was referred to his Excellence, that the forees come out of Scarborough
castle be disbanded and sent home according to the Articles
of agreement.
Instructions were passed for the Committee of the Navy for
treating with the Merchants for the raising of sixty thousand pound
for the present supply of the Navy.
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