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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 315, 5th-12th June 1649 E.559[15]

Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, June 5. to Tuesday, June the 12. 1649.
I shall begin with this weeks Intolligence with what for want of
roome I could not insert in my laft, and that is with the Petition
of the Lady Finch, Wife to the Lord Finch of Ford, and not long
since Keeper of the Great Seale of England, I will give it you for
the rarity of it, having not since the Warres began seen any one to
my know ledge in the like nature.
The humble pealtion of the land Finch on the b[unr]fe of her
Husband john Land Finch sheweth
THat your Petitionets Husband departed one of this Kingdome
long before the war began, neither hath he, during his residence
beyond seas acted any thing to the prejudice of the
So that the humbly conceives he not in the feast comprehended
Within the Ordinance of Parliament for Sequestrations.
That notwithstanding you Petitioners Husbands Estate (when
the generall Ordinance for Sequestrations was Passed by your Honours,
in the absence of your Petitioners) was sequestred by the
Countsy Committees which necossuaced Your Pe[unr]tioner to addresse
her selse unto Your Honors for Reliose in the Premisses.
Where upon (after a reference to, and a Rebort male by the
honourable Committees of Lords and Commons, of the [unr]
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