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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 316, 12th-19th June 1649 E.560[16]

Numb. 316.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, June 12. to Tuesday June the 19. 1649.
THis week produceth much Intelligence from severall places, but not
more then what I am confident one sheet may very well contain,
I will give it you in order beginning (according to my method) with
the Consultations of the high Court of Parliament. And in the first place
for the prevention of Free-quarter and other inconveniencies, It was ordered
that the Committee of the Army shall conferre with the Councell of
State concerning the number of Forces, and the pay due unto the Souldiery
It was ordered, and an Act was passed to confirme that Order, that
Mr. Broughton shall enjoy the office of a Coroner, and Attorney of the
Keeper of the Liberties of England, in as large and as ample a manner as
it was before enjoyned by Mr. Aske, or any other of his Predecesiors. It
was referred to the Committee for obstructions in the sale of Deans and
Chapters lands, to consider and find out a way how severall summes due
unto severall persons charged first on the Receipts of Goldsmiths Hall,
and afterword transferred upon the sale of Bishops Deans and
Chapters lands may be payed with the least Dammage to the Common-wealth.
The Letters from the Earle of Northumberland and the Countesse of
Lercester concerning the Late Kings Children were taken into consideration,
And it was referred to the committee of the Revenue to consider of
the particulars contained in the said Letters, and to report the same unto
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