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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 315, 5th-12th June 1649 E.559[15]

Act: That a Party of Ships are with Sir George Askwe in Dublin toads
for assistance to Collonel Jones. And that Coll. Jones is in good a condition
that he hath supplyed him as to three of his Ships, and desires some
bills of Exchange to be presently paid: That three of the Revolted Ships,
and twelve more, sisteen in all of Prince Ruperts ships are blocked up by
the Generalls in Kingsale, so that they cannot fur out: That another
Squadron of Ships are gone to Waxford to block up that river. Account
was also given of the severall Ships lately taken (mentioned in my last
and others.) And how the South of England and the South-East, and
South West Seas are cleared, Scilly and Jersey only excepted, it was desired
that the further supplies of the Navy might be speeded. And that
supplies for the Winter Guard for the Seas might be considered of in
By Letters this day front the West is certified the taking of two Ships.
One by the Iyger and two more, laden with Hides, Tallow, and Merchandize
from Galloway in Ireland, and 150 Irish in her, a ship of 300
tun burden, The Irish (it is supposed should have been landed in Scilly.
The other Ship was taken at Pors[unr] Point neer Bristoll with six Guns
and divers oares &c. Which ship had surprised a Merchants ship landen
with Suger and other Merchandize but a storme parted them; And this
Ship put in at Porset point for safety where she is seized for the Parliament
and 11. of the men taken prisoners, the rest got a shoare and escaped.
The foure Ships from the Parliament for the supply of Dublin are
safely arrived there one of them with 150 barrels of Gunpowder, ten
run of Match ten tun of Bullet Armes for 8000 men Cloath for
Troopers and timer cloath for Officers to make them Cloathes and 2000
suites of cloaths for Foot Souldiers &c. which were transported by Captain
B ldwi[unr] Commander of the White boy. And the Prospectous, with
two other Ships which carried over the Corne, Wheat, Rye, &c. 1600.
and odde quarters
The Lieutenant Generalls Regiment of horse is to consist of fifteene
Troops himself and Major Zanchr to command one and Lieutenant
Collonel S[unr]clburne, and Major Pr [unr] the other. And for the rest out of
the Generalls standing Army: The horse are in a manner formed and the
foot raised Collonel Bartus (late Collonel Scroops Major is to Command that Regiment.
Wednesday June 6
This day a new Mace was brou[unr] into the House according to
the moddell formerly mentioned with flowers in stead of the
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