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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 315, 5th-12th June 1649 E.559[15]

another Table in the same room. Other Officers of the Army; some
Gentlemen and Attendants an Mr. Speaker, E. of pen brooke, Lord
Generall &c. sat in the parlour. The Entertainment was very free
and chearfull Welcome in capitall Letters written in a Ban[unr]ree
upon most of the Disses, which were a very great number.
Friday June 8.
THe Act was this day again read in the he use for setling maintenance
upon the Ministery of the Nation. The amendments therunto
was likewise reported, and severall provisoes to the purpose
following viz.
1.As to the late Act o parliament for setling an Eltcte out of the
Rectory and Demesnes of the parish of Burford, upon Wil. Lenthal
Esquire S[unr]eaker of the House, and his heires for ever, which being
read the third time was [unr]ssented unto, and ordered to be incerted
in the body of the said Act.
A proviso and Exception was likewise as to the 633 l. per annum.
formerly granted for the Ministers of the City of Sarum, which being
put to the question was resolved in the Negative and rejected.
A proviso and Exception that the said Act Should not extend to
the taking away of the 300 l. per annum, setled upon Ministers
of Winchester, which being put to the question was resolved in the
Negative, and rejected.
Another proviso and Exception that the said Act Should not extend to
the taking away of the 100 l. per annum setled upon Monsieur
Monlis by Act of parliament; and like wise 100 l. per annum on M.
Hurslip, which being likewise put to the question were resolved in
the Negative, and rejected.
A proviso & exception was offered on the behalf of the Ministers
of Marlborough Another concerning Will. Sevens Esqu. Another
concerning 200.l per annum for new Windsor Ministers, which being
all put to the question were also rejected.
The house then ordered that the Act thus amended should bee
assented unto and sorthwith printed and published.
An Act ready prepared for letling the sum of 100 l. per piece upon
Monsie[unr] du Moulin, M. Hattlip, and M. Thomes Foxley,
(who have been very faithfull and taken much pains in maintenance
of the justice of the proceedings of parliament, was sead the first
and second time and ordered to be committed.
Mr. Garland reports from the Committee of Hospitals the Resolutions
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