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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 316, 12th-19th June 1649 E.560[16]

the House. The New Mace with Oken leaves in stead of the Cross[unr]
(the making whereof did cost one hundred and seven and thirty pounds)
was ordered to be payed. The demolishing of may Irland Castles were
resolved on. The New Seales for the Counties of Cardigan, Pembrooke,
and Carmarthin were approved and the Seale of the Nistprius for the
Common-Pleas was ordered to be altered. It was ordered that all Solt
not made in England shall be subject to the Excise of one penny for every
Gallon thereof.
Letters from Ireland did this day certifie, that Ormond hath beaten
out the Forces in Queens County, and the County of Rildare, Reban is
burned. So is Sir Wiliam Gilberts house, Marjborough, and Ashy, garisoned
by my Lord Castle-haven, who is Lieutenant Generall: and at
this time buttering the Castle of Carlow: which Preston resuseth to dehver
until he be paid his Arrears, as is said, himself is these, and like to
revolt to Owen Row: the Lady Moore is confined to her house, and her
goods inventorved, which was occasioned by a Letter taken at Sea, wherein
among other things, Ormond was advised forth with to repaire to 'Dublin.
Dublin is in noil condition; much difference between the Marquis
of Ormond, Clanrsckard, Inchequin, Castle-haven, and Preston, about
the Lieutenant Generalls place: Owen Row, and Kern, are come towards
Collonel Jones, and Collonel Munk; Quarters. There is a Cessation agreed
for three Monerths, between them say some Letters; Owen is so fair,
as to pay tribute, or contribution; his Quarters are to the Scots side of
Dublin, to prevent their giving aid to Ormond, in their attempt upon
Dublin; which it's still expected they would do, but cannot, untill they
have one way or other secured London-Derry, for which end, the Lord
of Ardes is gone before that place. The 13th. Past, the enemy made incursions
so neere Dublin with their Horse that they did much milchtese
in the parts adjacent. That unhappy posture of running to the Enemy, is
still continued: one Officer is put to a total Recruit by his whole Troops
going away such things reflecting often upon the Commander bids the
for bearance of his name that moneys may be had to stop this Current:
there is a necessity of keeping up Taxes which makes Discontent: Wheat
is at 55 shillings per barreil in Dublin: all is quiet in the Counties of
D[unr]e, and Autum: not a word of certainty whether London-Derry be
accommodated by ships yet hoped and believed.
Berwick June 6.
Wednesday June 13.
INstruction were this day passed concerning the children of the late
king who are to be under the tuition of the Earle of Leicester and his
Lady, and at dinner and supper they are to sit at the same table with them
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