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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 325, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[6]

Numb. 325.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, August 14 to Tuesday, August the 21. 1649.
THere are many amongst us of so churlish and stubborn an understanding.
That they will give little or no faith to the late
wonderfull Victory obtained in Ireland. It is as great a wonder
to work in them the beliefe of the wonder, as to work the wonder
it selfe. And indeed in many Papers there have been such ap[unr]rent
contradictions, and such a thwarting of the truth by an in[unr]evaour
to inlarge the story, that whiles the Reader turns Sceptick,
and finds he hath reason to suspect something, hee therefore doth
[unr]raw unto himselfe a wilde conclusion, and will believe nothing.It
[unr]hall be the care of this Pen to represent nothing unto you that shall
[unr]ary in vitall circumstances, or that shall be found to be defective, or
excessive.Letters indeed may. and doe daily differ in the more or
in the lesse, according to the latitude of the Intelligence, but they
[unr]ever imply a contradiction from honest hands, and such onely I
shall indeavour to prefer unto you. I told you in my last of the taling
and retaking of Rapharnam House, belonging to the truly honourable
Sir Adam Loftus, That which was then omitted, was the
barbarous cruelty of the Enemy expressed to Mr. Hamden, a Gentleman
of above fourescore years of age, and who for forty years
together had in that house been oblieged to Sir Adam Loftus; for his
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