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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 326, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[3]

Numb. 326.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, August 21. to Tuesday, August the 28. 1649.
WHen the present Lord Lieutenant of Ireland did set forth
from London for the reducing the Irish Rebels. It is said
that the Tantaraes of the Trumpets were heard so shrill, and to
make to loud a clangor, that they might have shaken Charing-Crosse,
had charing Crosse been standing; And now since the shipping
of his Forces, for the effecting of his Conquests, and the conjunction
of them with some squ drons of the Navy before Dublin.
It is written that at Holy-head, the Sea did groan again at the Reports,
and the thunders of their salutations; Of such a torror
(where are they come) are the Forces of the Parliament under the
Command of this their Champion who makes both the Earth and
the Sea to tremble.
Tuesday August 21.
THis day letters were read from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland
signifying that he had set sayle for Dublin, and offering to the
consideration of the House of Commons, the repealing some penall
statutes for inforcing the consciences of conscientious men, which
was presently referred to a Committee to consider of, and to report
the same unto the House; An Act was ordered to be brought
in for the choosing of Commissioners in all Counties, and for the
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