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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 325, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[6]

honourable entertainment, but now being taken and stripped by the
Enemy, they sent him (poore Gentleman) stooping with age, and
trembling with a Palsie unto Dublin, having nothing to cover his
nakednesse, but the picture of my Lord of Carbury, which some
years since did cost Sir Adam Loftus above forty pounds, little
thinking then to what an honest use it should afterwards be put: in
the like nature they served Mr. Davis, Houshold Chaplain to Sir Adam
Loftus, whom having dispoyled of his cloathes, they sent him
starke naked to accompany Mr. Hambden to Dublin. I should also
have given you an Account of the gallant answer returned by Doctor
Loftus, to the Summons of the Marquis of Ormond, who assured
him, that he would blow up his Brothers house into the ayre,
and bury himselfe in the ruines of it, before he would surrender it
on any Conditions but what should be most sutable to the honour
of a Gentleman.
Tuesday August 14.
Letters were this day read from Collonel Jones, giving a more
full account of the great Victory against the Marquis of Ormond,
and desiring, that in regard the time limited to Sir George
Askew was neere expired that he might continue Vice-Admirall
for Ireland for a longer time; Whereupon the House of Commons
ordered, That it should be referred to the Councell of State to take
into their consideration the request of Collonel Jones, for continuing
the command of Sir George Askew to be Vice-Admirall of the
Irish Seas; it was also ordered that a Letter of thanks should be
sent to Collonel Jones for his good service And that a Committee
should bring in an Act for the setling of one thousand pounds a year
on him, and on his heires, and that six select horses should be sent
unto him as a gratuitie from the Hous. It was also ordered that
two hundred pounds should be given to Captaine Otway, who
brought the first Newes of the Victory; And that Wednesday August
the Twenty ninth, should be set apart for a day of publick
Thanks-giving for the great blessing on Collonel Jones and his
Forces against the Marquis of Ormond.
A Petition was received from divers Brewers, which was read,
and referred to the Committee of Excise to consider of it; An Act
was also passed for the more speedy collection of the Excise, wherein
were Instructions for the Assessors, who are to act by order from
two or more Justices of the Peace, and for rating of private houses
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