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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 325, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[6]

according to what proportion they drink at such a rate by the
Great, and none that keep Victualling houses are to brew their
drink themselves, except they put in security to pay the Excise, And
the Merchants once a yeare are to cleare for their Excise at
Letters this day form Yarmouth doe certifie as followeth.
Since my last I boarded the Tyger Frigot, after some time spent
to get them in a posture for present service I left them and went
aboard the Greyhound and the Elizabeth, to see how those men
stood in the businesse: I found them all resolved to live and dye this
Common-wealths faithfull servants. Wednesday morning a paper
was sent from aboard the Tygre (of which the inclosed is a true
Copy,) It was desired by them it might be posted on the Market-place
of this Town, which accordingly was done, and the other paper
inclosed was returned to them, at the receipt of which there
was great acclamation, according to their Sea-custome.
Your, I.B.
The Resolution of the Officers and Mariners of the Tygre Frigot.
Whereas there hath been some disagreement between some party
in the Tygre Frigot, and by that means some disturbances have bin
of our former peace and unity one with the other, and by that
means false Aspertions may be said to blast our reall intentions to
the Parliament, we have and doe decare to the whole world as followeth.
We the Captains, Officers, and Marriners, belonging to the Tygre
Frigot, going forth in the service of this Common-wealth, doe
voluntarily declare and hereby engage, to the utmost of our power,
to withstand and oppose the revolted ships, and all others whosoever
that shall hinder the Trade of Merchants and Sea-men in
their lawfull Callings, or look to invade our Native Country, or
that shall endeavour to go about to set up any person whatsoever as
King of England or Ireland or any of the Islands appertaining to
the Commonwealth of England or Ireland, and to stand by, support
and maintain the present Government of the Common-wealth
of England, declared to be managed by successive Parliaments;
and in the maintenance thereof we promise to stand by each
other, and all such as shall adhere unto us: All which we undertake,
not in our own names or strength, but in the name and power
of God, upon whom we depend for a blessing.
From Aboard the Tygre. Subscribed by 120 Officers and Mariners.
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