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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 325, 14th-21st August 1649 E.571[6]

The Return of the Garrison of Yarmouth thereunto.
Cent. Whereas we have understood that there has been of late
some disturbance aboard your Frigot, and thereupon have apprehended
persons on suspition of being causers and promoters of distraction
and trouble aboard your vessell, that they may give account
thereof: These are to assure you, that we the Collonels, Captains,
and other Officers, belonging to this Garrison, are heartily
sorry that this unhappy disaster has fallen out amongst you through
the miscarriage of some particular persons. Whose indiscretion hath
opened the mouths of the Malignant and common Enemy, to scandalize
both you and us, who are always ready to take every opportunity
to asperse the best intentions of the faithfullest servants to
the State; and we are as heartily glad to perceive by the voluntary
Remonstrance under your hands, that you now wash your
hands from being guilty, or at all approving of any evill designs,
contrary to your trust and duty, whereby we perceive yon are as
carefull and tender to preserve your credit and honour, as hitherto
you have been prosperous in gaining the same, through your
faithfull service for this Common-wealth: And we do further assure
you, that we shall joyn heart and hand with you to promote the same
service, and to maintaine the present Government against all opposers,
and shall with all our hearts endeavour that there be a constant
good affection and loving correspondency between us at all times:
Neithershal we, at any time, suffer any unfriendly or abusive carriage
to be offered to any of you, when your lawfull affairs doe require
you to come a shore, but upon all occasions shall endeavour to nourish
friendship and union amongst us, the better to advance the
service aforesaid, and to stop the mouths of all your and our adversaries.
Thus much I thought fit to certifie you, that you might not by
any means of any thing past upon the late disturbance, be induced
to misjudge of our reall affections to you, and that we shall fully
joyn with you to promote the common good and peace of this Nation
and one in another, in which friendly loving compliance we
shall ever remain,
Subscribed by all the Officers
of the Garrison.
Your assured Friends
and Servants.
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