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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 326, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[3]

The Committee are going to St.Johnstons for setling of Athoy men
and others likely to declare before they have reason; There hath been
a great surmise of the Earle of Montrose his landing hare but we need
not so are him seeing God hath so much witnessed his countenance against
him there is a Dutchman come for our expresse, who is Mr. George
Windham, one of the late Commissioners and now one of; the Lords of
Sessions, he is a godly man, bath nothing but a Letter to deliver, and its
likely will not long be delayed we are careful that Malignants grow not,
and therefore have cited the Earl of Crawford, my Lord Dury, and all
that have been lately active to come in and give in bonds for their good
behaviour, which some are not likely to obey; but it is with certification
that their neglect shall be taken (proconfesso:)Our expectation of your
landing Forces in Ireland, and your Lord Lieutenant Generall is longed
after, that we have now no more faith to believe that he intends thither
this year, but wisdom requires you to preserve your interest there; for if
Ormond prevail, you may first smart; and if the Army be obstructers of
this work (as some say) they look not to their own preservation: the affaires
here stand, and will so (God willing) as formerly, and no additionall
Forces till we see occasion; Let justice and conscience be the square
of your actions, and then God will blesse you. As for the Acts of Parliament
and Generall Assembly, that are not as yet come out, but so soon as
they are ready you shall receive them. Answer my other Letters, and
so I am yours ever to command.
Edingborough August 15.
Wednesday August 22.
A Petition was this day presented from the City of London, desiring
more houses to be allowed them for the setting the
poore at work. The late Kings house at Greenwich was mentioned,
but it being so convenient for the Fish-merchants, it is likely
that it will be reserved for that purpose; Another House was also
desired for the same use in the Minories, which was referred to a
Committee to consider of it.
This day another Petition was presented to the House of Commons
from the Inhabitants of Surry which followeth in these
To the supreme authority of this Nation. The Commons of England
in Parliament assembled. The humble Petition of the oppressed
of the County of Surrey, who have cast their mite into the
Treasury of the Common-weale, Sheweth.
That whereas the Oppressions of this Nation in time fore-going
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