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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 326, 21st-28th August 1649 E.572[3]

your House be suffered to plead as a Lawyer, whilest a Member
4. That some course may be taken for the future, to pay the Army;
not laying such intollerable Burthens and Taxes on the People,
which we are not able to bear: and so we shall for ever stand
by you, and all Representatives, for the Freedome of this Nation,
as formerly Desiring that we may obtain speedily a new and equall
Representative, And your Petitioners shall pray.
There was also a Petitition reade from the Earle or Rutland, and
another in reference thereunto from Thomas Robinson, Nathaniel
Middleton, William Hayward, and many thousand of the poor
Mioners in the County of Derby which followeth in these words.
The serious Representation of Captain Thomas Robinson, Nathaniel
Middleton, and William Heward,on the behalf of themselves
and many thousands of poor myners, inhabiting in the County
of Derby was this day read.
1. May it please your Honours now at last (before our hopes of
obtaining reliefe expire) either to appoint and empower some such
uninteressed Gentleman of the said County to heare and examine
witnesse upon Oath and by a certain day to certifie the Estate of
the cause unto your Honours; and that all proceedings at Law in
all Courts made by the said Earle against any o[unr] the Petitioners in
relation to the premises may be stopt, until your Honours have declared
your judgement thereupon &c.
Both these Petitions being read the House had a Debate thereon
and ordered that the businesse should be referred to a Committee,
to examine and to report what is the wrong which the Minors pretend
they have received by reason of the Order issued forth in the
last March.
It was this day certified that Captain Allen one of the Captains
of the revolted Ships, and who for above these two months being
taken Prisoner had bin detayned in Peter house hath made an escape
from thence, but it is said that notice is lately given where
he is.
Thursday August 23.
IT being certified by the Merchants that the French have prohibited
the bringing in of any Commodities from England, the
Common after a long and most serious debate thereof resolved
upon the Question, That they doe declare, That no Wines, Wool,
or Silks of the growth of France, and usually vendid in this Nation
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