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The man in the moon, Number 8, 28th May-5th June 1649 E.558[19]

(Numb. 8.)
The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Vnder the
Both in the Parliament, the Counsell of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lune, From May 28. to Tuesday, June,5. 1649.
The Saints may rest, their WORKE is done,
People and State made free,
Since Crumwell's Nose out-shines the Sunne,
now his then, up goe wee.
If these call darkness Light,'tis so,
all sinnes are Vertues made,
Their Shop of hell sells us them too,
and this is all our Trade.
Their perjur'd- Alderman and Mayre
Proclaim'd on Charge their shame,
To disinherit CHARLES'es Heire,
the Cuckolds got great Fame.
Wee never were Free-State before,
for joy then ring the Bells,
No Tyrant-King shall rule us more,
but Noll and his Rake-hells.
WHat all mad? Universall Bedlam? Why how now ye pittiful
wretched Ox-headed Cites, ye eternal Cow-babies,
ye illiterate Jolt-heads, to be driven by half a dozen butchers to
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