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The man in the moon, Number 9, 5th-13th June 1649 E.560[2]

The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Vnder the
Both in the Parliament, the Counsell of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lunæ, From June 5. to Wednesday, June,13. 1649.
Now Scots will Loyall Subjects be,
brave English hearts provettye,
Danes, Swedes and Irish all agree
to fight for Charles his Due.
Now Armies in the North and West
will vex their Saint-Ships eares,
Three Kingdomes Cryes, besides oppress'd
Orphans and Widows tears,
The Cry of BLOOD; and breach of Trust
will usher in their fate,
Then Fair-faux honor, Crumwells lust,
and all those things of State
Which glory in their Shime; shall feel
revenge, with borrors guilt,
And be chastiz'd with rods of steel
for all the blood they've spile.
THe Regicides are grown so impudent, they are not asham'd
to goe to Church, and out-face Almighty God, and make
their deluded Andatory beleeve that God patronizes sail their
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