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The man in the moon, Number 21, 5th-12th September 1649 E.573[14]

deck'd them, to deck and adorn their Husbands Brow-antlers
against their new Election, which they all greedily gape after:
the Juncto already giving out, That it is necessary for the good and
welfare of the People, That One Man be Elected to Govern the rest:
which must of necessity be one of WEE THREE Loger-heads,
Cromwel, Ireton, or Fairfax: so that then, like
King, like People, we must look to have a Kingdome well
When Brewers Dreggs in stead of Sacred Oyle,
Must Rule this Land by Rapine, Blood, and Guile,
The Anatomy of Baseness, scum of a Land,
More base by being at such Roagues Command:
Mechanick Varlets, that but eight yeers since
Carried the Slings, and did a Hoggs-head Rince:
By pride have broach'd a Vessel of pure blood,
Might turn all Christendom into a flood
Of Tears; and make th'most rocky heart of stone
Melt in remembrance of that Martyr'd One
(Great CHARLES the Just) Whose Glory ne're can die,
Till Sun doth shine, or Pen write Tragedy.
A new Act was this day whelp'd, that no Hatts or Hatbands
should be brought from beyond Seas: no by no means, it spoils
their Excize; for here they have Excize for Wool, and after for
Hatts, and so for every drop of Beer the poor Felt-makers
Another rediculous Act the teeming. Juncto brought forth
this day, and that is, That all Officers shall take an Oath to be
true to the new Government, (before they understand what it
is), no matter what, so it be Established without KING or
Lords, and this forsooth they are to manifest by listing up the
Book, or laying their hand upon the Book: But what Book?
the Turkish Alcaron, or one of Walkers Occurrences will be as
good a Book as can be: The holy Bible they have denied, the
Lords Prayer they have cast by, and the Commandements be out
of date; nothing but their own Acts are to be observed: But
why a Ceremony in lifting it up? yes they may enjoyn Ceremonies
at pleasure, and their tender Conscience not start
from them a jot, swear and forswear themselves every week,
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