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The man in the moon, Number 21, 5th-12th September 1649 E.573[14]

and never betray a tittle of their Trust, offend God: how
tollerable this may prove to them at the last day, I leave to all
Christians to judge; yet if Bradshaw do not enjoy Pilats Reward,
then the High Court of Justice, shall not be in a worse
condition then those Jews that judged Christ; and Mildmay
that fawning Judas shall want a tree to send him to Traytors-Reward.
The next business was, how they should Dispose of some
Learned Divines,as Mr Williams, Mr Hall, and some formerly
of their own Changling Faction, as Mr Love, Mr Jagger, and others
that would not acknowledge their Usurped Government
to be lawful: for Mr Hall, they Silenced him; and Mr Williams
was forceibly pulled out of the Pulpit, and divers of his
Parishioners wounded in a most barbarous, cruel and uncivil
manner, himself carried by a Troop of Riches Regiment into
Saint Pauls, and there kept and made a laughing stock by the
Infidels in his Troop: for the other two, upon promise of their
future Obedience, they had only a Check, and bid do so no more,
and were discharged.
But the Letters from Ireland do not a little startle the Saints,
First, understanding that Coot stands out, and holds London-Derry
for the King, and hath Repulsed Jones and Cromwel:
Secondly, that Cromwels Horse and Men are most very sick, and
unfit to Fight: Thirdly, that Marquesse Ormond hath forced all
the People to carry their Corn and Cattel into his Garrisons,
and themselves to take up Armes and fight for their defence:
Fourthly, their late defeat given to Cromwel and Jones between
Tredagh and Dublin, as I hear thus; Cromwels first men that landed
being joyned with Jones made up three thousand Foot and
a thousand Horse, which were drawn forth and sent toward
Tredah: my Lord Inchiquin having Notice by his Scouts of
their approach, faced them, and Retreated; and after Five
miles march faced them again as if they intend to fight them,
and Retreated again, which made the Rebels so mad, (having
put their men in Battalia twice) that desperately they pursued
them, to overtake them before they got into the Town, but
unexpectedly were by the Lord of Ards, the Earl of Clanrickard;
and the Earl of Castlehavens Regiments encompassed
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