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The man in the moon, Number 21, 5th-12th September 1649 E.573[14]

round, the Dispute waxed very hot for the space of two houres,
but the Lord Inchiquins horse Charg'd so gallantly, that they
Charg'd thorow and thorow them, which put them in so great
a distraction, that they slung down their Arms and begg'd for
Quarter, which was granted to many, above seven hundred killed
on the place, many more wounded, and five hundred taken
Prisoners, with all their Ammunition, Bagge and Baggage, Jones
escaped much wounded, Reynolds taken, with other English
Commanders; so that now they may cry farewel Ireland: It is
Reported Cromwel is blocked up, but the News is uncertain because
they keep back all the Posts from coming, and suffer little
News to come over; yet one good Sign is, that Mistris Cromwel
hath removed her Court from Bristol to White-hall, by advice of
King Fire-snowt her Husband, who sent her word, That she should
away for London with all expedition possible: and presently Carts
and Wains were Press'd to Cart her hither; her Royal Houshold-stuffe
came last Thursday, but surreverence Puss her self
came the day after; it is thought her Majesty is to accompany
Col. Pride the next week to take Degrees in the Mopping-School
one day, and visit the Whipping. School with brother Morley the
Pride and Lechery seldom go assunder,
If pride be above, Lechery must lie under.
A Company of Souldiers were last week carrowsing healths to
the Confusion of Monarchy; and one in his Cups being so valiant,
that turning up a full Cup, he swore God dam him, he
would have the life of the next he met; when coming out about
Saint. Andrews wall in Holborn, he met with a woman,
whom he rudely abused, and slung in the dirt; the next he met
with being a man, he made no more adoe but Pistolled, that he
presently fell down dead; yet because a Trooper of Col. Prides,
it was found the last Sessions but Chance medly, and he forth with
Released, upon Condition that he must give Mistris Steela new
Gown for her Fayring.
The tormenting Commons at Westminster,what with fear of
the Levellers, and the terror of this strange News from Ireland,
had in Consideration a time of Adjournment for forty dayes;
but it was put off till to morrow, and that never comes, so that
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