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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 106, 5th-12th January 1649 E.527[5]

1. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to the Committee
of the Navy, to consider with the Lord Admirall about the said Ships, to be
imployed and dispatched in the said services accordingly.
2. Ordered, that the said Committee do take care for the speedy and effectuall getting
in of money upon propositions made by the said Committee.
An Ordinance for the better ordering of the affaires of the Navy was this day read,
the first and second time, and upon the question committed to the Committee of the
Navy: And that malignant and unfaithfull Officers do not hold any Office or Command
in the Ships or places belonging to the Navy.
Ordered that Mr. John Goodwin, Mr. Love, Mr. Chaloner, Mr. Say, Col. Martin,
bradded to the said Committee, and all that will come, have voyees, as to this businesse.
Vera Copia Exan.
Die Veneris 9 Jan. 1648.
ORdered by the Commons as assembled in Parliament, that Col. Audley Mervin,
Major James Erskin and Captain James Coningham, be committed as Delinquents
to the Serjant at Armes that attends this House. Vera Copia Exan.
Die Veneris 5. Jan 1648.
ORdered, that it be referred to the Committee of the Tower, to examine the businesse
touching Peter house, and of the escape of the prisoners from thence, and to
consider of a sit house to be appointed for the Serjant at Armes that attends this
House, to keepe his prisoners in. Vera Copia Exan.
A Message was ordered to be sent to the Lord Gen. to desire him to take care, that
the King be strictly looked to,that he do not escape; and that none come to him, but
such as are appointed. That care be taken for apprehending all Delinquents that stay
neare the City, contrary to his Proclamation, for securing those under the Marshall
Gen. And for suppressing scandalous Bookes and Pamphlets. And that the Chaines
of the City of London be pulled down, which was done accordingly.
A Committee of the House was sent to Mr. Pryn, to know of him whether he writ
a scandalous Pamphlet, called, A brief memento, to the present unparliamentary
Juncto, and ordered them to Report his Answer back to the House.
The Committee of the Navy made a Subcommittee of London Marchants, for assistance
to the affaires of the Navy, by which the Trade at Sea, will probably be
much secured. And the City therein much satisfyed.
This day one of Mr. Knights unfortunate Sons, and another a Chandlor, 2. of
those condemned men that escaped out of Newgate, were found neare Kingstreete, in
Westminster; get into a gutter, and went over divers houses; but were by Souldiers
enased by the tiles, then upon the houses, and at last taken neare the Renish winehouse
in Kingstreete, and carried away in a Coach.
The Commons sent to the Lord Mayor of London for the City not to enjoyn Oaths
concerning the King. Some Instructions passed, for transcribing and better keeping of
Acts of Parliament and their other Records.
Saturday Jan. 6.
THe Commons this day by Authority of their house, without the Lords Concurrenc;
passed severall Orders.
1. That Humphrey Edwards Esquire, Sir Gregory Norton. The Lord Munson, Col.
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