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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 106, 5th-12th January 1649 E.527[5]

is meete on Munday following at 2. of the Clock in the painted Chamber. And
proclaime it in the pallace, or Westminster Hall. Concerning which,more hereafter,
Munday Jan. 8.
THe House of Commons passed Instructions for an Ordinance for setling of the
latter sequestrations for York shire; And committed it.
The Commons ordered on the morrow to proceeds to the setling of the Kingdom,
Letters were read from Sir Charles Coole,Lord president of Conaught,upon which
the Commons passed these Orders, (viz.)
Die Luna 8, Jan. 1648.
ORdered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That it be referred to the Generall
and Councell of Warre to try Sir Robert Stuart by a Councell of War, upon the matters
charged against him; And that the prosecutors do give in their Charge against him
to the Councel of War. And it is further ordered that Sir Robert Hannay, Col. Hunks,
Captain Carey,and Lieut. Wil.Dutton, do attend the Councel of War to make good the
Charge. And it is further ordered that the Councel of War, do secure the person of the said
Sir Robert Stuart; And that he be not set at liberty, untill this house be first made acquainted
therewith, & give order therein: And that the said letter from Sir Charles
Coote, and Charge be transported to the Councel of War. And that the Serjant deliver
over the said Sir Robert Stuart to the Marshall Generall of the Army, or the Councel
of War accordingly.
Hen.Scobell Cleric.Parl.Dem.Com.
The House also approved of his apprehending of Sir Robert Stuart,and others,and
of his seizing of those places, which I have formerly mentioned. And the house also
voted his approbation of apprehending of Mr.Humphrey Galbreath, and ordered the
Lord president to try him there. And for all a letter of thanks to be returned to him.
And the House passed Instructions for supplyes to be sent to Sir Charles Coote.
The Commons ordered to send to the Lord Gen. to desire him to take care of securing
Instructions passed for bringing in an Ordinance for setling of the New sequestrations
in York-shire. And the like of those Counties North of that.
The Commons ordered to consider on the morrow of the setling of the Kingdom.
This afternoon the High Court of Justice sate in the painted Chamber.
This day came Letters from France of the good success of the Parl. there. That they
had chosen one of the house of Guise to be their Generall. And with them is joyned,
(besides the citty of Paris) Pr. de Harcourt,who was Embassadour in England. And
the D. of Loraine, and divers of quallity, That they have relieved the City with provisions,
beaten the K.Forces, killed and routed 1200.The Inhabitants in Roan stood
upon their guard,and turned out the K.souldiers,and declared for the Parl. at Paris.
Die Luna 8.Jan. 1648.
THe High Court of Justice for tryall of Charles Stuart King of England,met. And
first called over the names. After which the Act of the House of Commons in
Parliament assembled was read,giving power to the said Committee for present tryall
of the said Charles Stuart King of England,And to adjudge him according to Law,
and this to be finished within one months space. But as for the time and place, they
a[nl]re to adjourn from time to time as they shall see cause.
WEE the Commissioners whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby authori[nl]se
and appoint Edward Denby, Serjeant at Armes to cause this to be
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