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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 107, 12th-19th January 1649 E.527[8]

The House passed two Orders concerning the Office is of London. I For taking
out that part of the Common-Councell mens oathes, which is, to the King, and
his Successors. And 2 For Instructions for choice of their Officers according to the
Ordinance of Decemb. 18. last.
The Lords had some debates about Goldsmiths hall, but being unwilling to clash
with the House of Commons, or the Army, they proceeded no further on the former
debates about the declaration, mentioned in my last, or concerning power. And their
Lordships adjourned until Tuesday following.
The Commons Ordered 1500li of Col. Whitchcocks Arrears to be advanced for
him, out of the Duke of Buckinghams land, by Pollard trees.
Die Sabbathi 13 Jann. 1648.
A Letter was read from Captaine Andrew Ball from aboard the Adventure in Marget
Roade dated the 12 of Jan. instant, Whereupon the Commons passed these following
Votes, (viz.)
I. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Dover Pinke
now taken, shall be added to this Winter guard.
Ordered &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy to confer
with the Lord Admirall, if he be in Town, That speedy course be taken for
Ships to be forthwith sent Northward, and to the Goree, and if his Lordship
be not in Town, then the said Committee (advising with such persons as they
shall thinke fit) do give directions therein what Ships shall go forth, and
which of them shall go to the Goree, and which of them to the Northward.
And that all Captains, Officers, and Marriners in the said Ships are hereby
required to yeeld obedience to such order and direction of the said Committee,
and to pursue the same.
Ordered &c. That the said Committee of the Navy doe consult with Capt.
Moulton, and to consider how, and in what convenient way the Ships viz, the
George, and the Leopard may go forth to Sea together upon the said service.
Ordered &c. That Lieutenant Gen. Crumwell, Mr. Alderman Wilson, and Mr. Dove
be added to the Committee of the Navy.
Ordered &c. That the Committee of the Navy be ordered to pay a months pay to
the sea men that are come in, in Cap. Moultons ship.
Ordered &c. That the Committee of the Navy doe send to Sir George Aschew to
go forth on this present service (for the time) with Cap. Moultons ship.
Ordered &c. That the Committee of the Navy do examine, and Report to this
House the state of the businesse touching the monies due to the isle of Ely, and that
they do conferre with Merchants, and others as they shall thinke fit, touching the
loane of monies for the Navy, for the better guarding of the Sea.
Ordered that the ship Constant War witke bee forthwith employed as the States
ship in this present service of the State, for this winter guard, and that the Committee
of the Navy do treate with Marchants for the present victualling and managing
the said ship.
Ordered that Cap. Jugle be recommended to the Committee to be Commander
Letters from Chester City say, That the small Pox is there broken out in many
The High Court of Justice sate his afternoone, and concluded the place for
tryall of the King to be in Westminster Hall, and Mr William Rick. Mr. Humphrey
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