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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 107, 12th-19th January 1649 E.527[8]

and that by the Authority of their Commission, they could passe no thing
without the consent of one of those Lords joyned with them, the debate hereof
held long, and at last it was laid aside, and ordered to be taken into further
consideration on the morrow.
The Commons took into consideration the present sitting of the Parliament
of Scotland, and to the end that there may be hair correspondency between the
Kingdomes; the House ordered to refer it to the Comittee at Derby house to
bring in a List of the Names to be sent Commissioners to the Parliament of
A motion was made to the House in behalf of Sir Will Dike of Scotland, about
17000 li. Arrears owing to him, which was desired hee might have before the
Navy money. But considering the great want of present monies for the Navy,
the 200000 li. for the Navy, was Ordered first to be raised, and that with speed.
And none of the 300000 li. to be paid to any of that kind, without acquainting
the House therewith,
A Petition was presumed from Irswich, in behalf of Mr. Kiffin and Mr. Knolles,
that by the Malignancy of evill affected persons, the mouth of Ministers were
stopped. The Commons Ordered that they should go down, and be permitted
to preach, as was desired.
A Petition was presented to the Commons by Captain Basket, Cap. Joyce, and
other Gentleman, from the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Southampton, Poole, Hurst, Weymouth,
Mohrisbury, and other publique spirited persons, With a Representation
of severall grievances of the Kingdome, and remedies for the same.
I, Want of Justice, That therefore the King, and all other grand Offenders
may come to a speedy Tryall. 2. The burthen of Free-quarter, Tithes and
Excise, and Taxes be taken off The remedy by equall Subsidies, Forrest-lands,
the Revenue of the Crown, Bishops lands, Deans and Chapters lands, compositions
of Delinquents and Sequestration 3. Charges in Officers. This to be remedied
by one common Treasury, and Accounts often made, and published in
Print. 4. Country Committees: Remedy, An honest Committee for Indemnity
in each County. 5. Decay of Trade. To bee remedied by a Declaration
for Freemen to enjoy their Rights; and a speedy guard to be appointed for
the Seas. 6. The charges of Suits of law. This to be remedied by a Committee
of impartiall men in every hundred or Division, every twelve to bee
chosen every 12 Months, and plain Rules to be laid down for to Act by, and
that upon a Penalty.
The Commons chose a Committee to consider of this and all other Partitions
of this nature, and passed Instructions for them to begin with those things
first which are of most concernment to the present feeling of the Kingdome.
The Earle of Callender, and the Earle of Lotherdale are gone from Holland to Scotland
by which it seems more clear they were Agents there.
The high Court of Justice sat againe this night, and had the Charge brought in
abreviated, but thought it still to large, there being so much high against the King,
part under his hand, and some under his hand and Seal manuall, and some under his
hand and the old great Seale, with some other cleare testimonies. The Court therefore
ordered to recommit it again to be yet made more brief, Mr. Steele Atturney generall
is not well, but it is hoped he will mend.
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