Sign in
Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

Now forasmuch as these Petitioners are not in the least kind guilty of the least
contempt in the premises; And for that the new Governours have acted in many
particulars contrary to the said Act of Parliament, Therefore they humbly pray,
That for the clearing of the truth thereof they may be permitted to be heard before any other
order of this House be made touching the Premises.
And they as in duty bound shall pray,
Thomas Jackson,
William Cade
Daniel Fairvacks,
William Holson.
ORdered by the Commons in Parl. Assembled, That the petition of the Bayliffes, Wardens,
Assistants; and Commonalty of the Company of Weavers London, be referred
unto the Lord Grey, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Martin, Mr. Smith, Col.
Ven,col. Morley, Col. Harvey, Mr. Fenwicke, Mr. Garland, Mr. Allen; Mr. Carey.
M. Pury, M. Lemon, M. Dove.
This Committee any 5 of them are to meet in the Exchequer chamber to morrow
in the afternoone at 2 of the clocke, And M. Garland to have the care thereof.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House Voted that the Prince Electors gratuity should bee allowed to him,
notwithstanding the votes of March 17 last.
A Petition was presented to the House by the Mayor and other Inhabitants of
Oxford, from that City, for redresse of oppression in the Courts, for augmentation
of trade, for removing corrupt Ministers and Officers, and for taking in a Common
of some 500 Akers of ground, neer Wolvercot, to set the poor on work for the
manifacture of cloathing in their own towne.
A Petition was also presented from divers Gentlemen of the County of Oxford,
For dis-placing of disaffected Justices, Committee-men, Visitors, and Preachers;
abolishing tyrannicall Courts. Laws to be in English and plain, care taken for the
poor,well-affected to chuse wel-affected Representatives where they want,Colledge
lands not to be free from Taxes, and members to receive informations of persons fit
to be placed instead of dis-affected persons.
The Commons referred both these Petitions to a select Committee or any 3 of
them, and to heare what shall be further presented to them by the Petitioners, and
such as are authorized by them. And the said Committee were appointed to meet
that afternoone at 2 of the clock in the Dotchy Chamber.
Die Veneris, 6 Aprill 1649.
Ordered by the Commons in Parliament Assembled. That Sir Arthur Hazzlerige,
Sir James Harrington, Sir John Danvers, M. Whitlocke, M. Humphrey Edwards,
M. Dove, M. Whittaker, M. Say, Sir J. Hipsley. M.Smith, M. Lemon, M. James
Chaloner, M. Thomas Chaloner, Sir Thomas Wroth, M. Ash, M. Allen
M.Salway, Sir Gregory Norton, Alderman Wilson, M. Millington, M. Olsworths
Coll. Ven, Coll. Moor, the Lord Grey, Mr. Fenwicke, Mr.Scot, Mr. Garland, Mr.
Love, Sir Wil. Massum, Mr. Bond, Col. Bosvill, M. Blakestone, M. Pury, M. Weaver,
M. Gourdoune. This Committee have power to looke an the former Votes, and to present
some way to the House for reception of Ministers to supply the places,that are [unr]
plyed, and to have the same power wish the Committee for Itiuerato Ministers. And M. Garland
is to have a speciall care hereof [unr] Hen Scobel Clerie. Parliamenti.
There was a Petition brought to the House, by those that Petitioned before
in behalfe of Lieut. Colonell John Liburne, and the other in the Power First
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