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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

for a speedy and effect all answer to their Petition of 2 April. 2. That Capt wil. Bray
(close prisoner in Winsor Castle, being demed accesse of friends to him) may be brought
to a just Tryall; And 3. That for the future, provision may be made for their [unr]berey
in presenting Petitions to the Parliament; without any Terror or interruption from
any whomsoever. But their Petition was not presented, nor were the Petitioners called
for at all.
The Act for the assessements of the Counties for the Army, was this day read as
far as to that part concerning Waltsbhire (for the Countries are alphabetically put in)
All the new Justices of Peace in each County (Where there is need) were ordered to
bee put n commission. And then the House adjourned untill the morrow.
Die Veneris 6 Aprill. 1649.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, Tout be Lord Major for the time
being of the City of London, and all Justices of Peace within the said City and Liberties
thereof, be required, and are hereby injoyned forthwith to put in execution the severall
Statutes of Elizabeth, Chap. 4. And 1 Jac. Cap.6.made and Enacted for the rusting
and settling of the wages of the severall artistaers within the limits aforesaid for their betner
releife and subsistance in these deare times : And that no person or persons [unr] to
binder the putting the same in execution. And that care be taken annually to do the same if
need require, according to the Tenour of the said Lawes : And all Justices of Place in the
severall Counties of this Common-wealth, and Dominion of Wales are in like manner required
to do the same in their respective Counties, cities and places, for the ends and purposes aforesaid.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
Mounsieur de Gomont the Frerich Agent who hath resided here this 3 yeares took
his leave this day of Mr. Speaker, and of the Lord General who received of both very
great civilities, Mr. Speaker giving him acknowledgement of his very good behavior
during his residence here,and with great respect granted him a paste with his revenue
to return home into France.
Die Veneris Aprill 6. 1645
Colonell Walton reports from the councell of State, persons to be imployed at Sea.
I. Resolved upon the Question by tie Commons assembled in Parliament,
That the House doth approve of Captain James Moulton to carry the Ship called the
Victory to Captain Robert Moulton his Father,and that the said captainJames
Moulton do comand the ship called the Leopard. 2. Resolved, &c. That this House
doth approve of Captain Lane to command the St George. 3. Resolved, &c. That
this House doth approve of Captain Zacharie Brown to command the Hercules.
4. Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of Captain Richard Piddock to command
the Galliot Hye. 5 Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of Captain
Samuel Hewet to command the St. Cleer. 6. Resolved, &c. That this House doth
approve of Captain William Wheatley to command the War-Spight.
Hen: Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House chose a Committee to bring in an Act for disabling dis-affected persons
from bearing any publike office in the Common wealth.
Col. Powell sent in his Answer to the charge, He denies that hee acted by any
Commission from the King, Prince, or others against the Parliament, and both he,
and Laugherns, Payer, and Bowen, desired that they might be admitted to bring in
their witnesses to be heard by the Court Marshall.
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