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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

[unr]lishing the office of Kingshiply be revived to the now Lord Mayor and Sheriffe for proclaiming
the Act for abolishing the Kingly Office.
And that the Aldermen of the City of London, doe attend the Lord Mayor and Sheriff
in proclaiming this Act. Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House of Commons (this day) passed the Act for the Assesments, for the
90000 li. per monsem.
By severall Letters from France it was advertized as followeth,as particularly
From Loan 6 April 1649. was written, that the Troops of Arch-Duke Leopald,
which had passed the River of Aisme, and were approached to Seissons, are returned
to Vandercourt,upon the news of the pacification of the troubles; This Arch-Duke being gone to Cambray there to attend the return of those that he sent to
paris. 2000 of his horse having lately met neer the said Town of seissons, some
Troops of the Kings conducted by the Sieur of Manicamp, who went to joyne
with the Mareschall Plessy-praslin, twas a rude skirmish, and severall were slain
on both sides.
From Roven 7 April 1649. it was advertized that the 5 instant, the Count of
Harcourt having sent a Trumpeter to the Duke of Longueville, to give him notice
of the Order he had received from the Court, to make cease all Acts of hostility
The Prince also sent him word by the same Trumpeter,that he was ready to perform
the same, which very much rejoyceth the whole Town,who take this Cessation
for the fore-runner of the Peace,whereof this day they were fully assured
by the Deputies of our Parliament,who newly arrived, being received by the inhabitants
with as good a welcome as that most agreeable news deserved. The
Kings Declaration will to morrow be registred in the Parliament, who in the
mean time have commanded that every body prepare to make bonefires for this
joyfull news.
From St. Jermaines 9 Aprill 1649. Letters expresse thus.
It is said here, that the General of Erlach is upon the frontieres with 14000
men as wel horse as foot : to wit, 8000 which the Maresoball Turenne commands
2500 foot drawne out of those places which have been rendred to the Emperor
and Duke of Bavaria by the peace of Germany 1500 horse, composed of the Regiament
of his Guards, which consists of a 1000 men, and of two other Regiaments
and about 2000 foote drawn out of the Garrisons of Brisgaw where there
is no more need since the peace is made. To which Troops there being added the
5000 men which the Marescaball of Plessy-Praslin, commands, more than 16000
men which lately environed Paris, and those of that same Towne which have
been dismissed : The Kings Army will amount to above 36000 men, infomuch
that their Majesties shall not bee obliged to accept those 3000 Swedish horse,
which the Queen of Swethland hath lately offered by the Landgrave of Hesse. Yesterday
the Mareschall of Ratzam stopped here some dayes since, was carryed to
the Bois of Vincenne.
This Court also is very gallant, their Majesties and all the royal family in
good health thanks be to God, and the King among his other exercises,mannages,
his Armes so well, that he surpasses the defunct King his father, he yesterday
killed three birds at somany shoot; leaving a great satisfaction to all those
which saw His Majesty so well addressed to all the experiences of His
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