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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

Die Lune 9. April 1649.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the three thousand
one hundred fifty five pounds, fifteen sbillings and ten pence, late due to the Lord
Willoughby of Parham out of the receipts of Goldsmiths-hall; and assigned to be
paid to the Lancashire Forces, by order of the House of Commons of the 24 of
October last, as is pre-ingaged to other uses, shall be discharged from any ingagement
to the said Forces.
And that the Treasurers of Goldsmiths-hall, do forthwith pay out of their
receipt unto Mr. James Wainwright of the City of London Haberdasher, for the
use of the said Forces of Lancashire, towards their Arrears the some of 4600 li.
out of the second moyety of the fine imposed upon the Lord Mollinoux for his
delinquency, notwithstanding any former ingagements thereof to the contrary.
Which monies the said Mr. Wainwright is without delay to pay over unto Mr.
William Cottam of Preston Alderman, who is to pay the same over in manner following, viz.
1. for such of the said Forces as marched under the command of Major Generall Ashton
in the late expedition against the Scots, the summe of three thousand four hundred
pounds, according to such order and directions as be shall from time to time receive from the
said Major Generall Ashton.
2. And the summe of one thousand two hundred pounds unto the forces of that
County, that were under command of Collonel Nicholas Shuttleworth; And by such order
and directions, as he shall from time to time receive from the said Major Generall Ashton.
And the said Mr. Wainwrights Acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge to
the said Treasurers at Goldsmiths-hall, for payment of the said summe of foure
thousand and six hundred pounds.
And the said Mr. Cottams Acquittance, shall be a sufficient discharged to the
said Mr. Wainwright for payment thereof accordingly.
And it is also ordered, That if any of the Forces shall continue together, or
at any time hereafter gather together, contrary to the order for their disbanding;
That all and every such person and persons so continuing and gathering
together, shall lose the benefit of this order, and shall not have any part of the
monies aforesaid.
But all such of the said monies, as otherwise should have been paid unto
them, shall be paid to Major Generall Ashton to be paid amongst the residue of
the Forces,as he shall thinke fit.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House of Commons this day ordered that Mr. Garland should bring in an
Act for maritine causes, according to the matter contained in the Declaration of
their House, which was shewed to the Judges last Term.
The House passed the Act for Delinquents Compositions according to the former
Votes which I have given you, & for the Appeal of Sequestrations to be from
the Committees below to the Barons of the Exchequer ; and debated certain Rules
for the Committee for their Instructious to be observed in their proceeding therein,
which are to be as Provisoes, The House passed the Act, but those Rules were
The Commons Considered that there is now no need of a Solicitor Generall to
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