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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

a King of England, (the Kingly office being abolished) and therefore ordered Mr.
Prideaux who is Solicitor General to be made Attorney General to the State, and
the Lords Commissioners to passe his Patent under the great seal.
Tuesday Aprill 10.
THe House of Commons referred it to the councell of State to send for and
examine the Minister at St. Mary Hillncer Bistinsgage, upon a complaint this
day made against him.
Die Martis Aprill 10. 1649
Ordered by the Commons in Parliament assembled, That report be made to this House
from the Councel of State, touching Lieut. Col. John Lilburn, Mr. Walwin, and
others to morrow morning. Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
By Letters this day from Bristoll it was advertized, That 4. Braile peeces of Ordnance
are taken which were sent from London in Fats to be transported to the Lord
Inchequeen in Ireland, inquirie will be made about it.
By Letters from Ireland, it was certified that the designe of Ormond, was to
have raised 15000 foot and a proportion of Horse, Himselfe is Generall, the
Lord Inchequeen Lieut. Generall, and Preston Major Generall, and the Earle of
Castlehaven, Generall of the Horst, but by reason of their differences with Owen
Roe, and discontents among themselves, they faile in their designes. Some
of their Troops were dispersed towards Casterlagh, under the command of Preston.
Owen Roe hath since marched into Westmeath (he and Col. Jones giving faire
liberty of march to each other) Owen Roes design was to fetch Cowes, and Prey
upon Prestons quarters, Preston fell on them, but was repulsed with the losse of
47 men, slaine upon the place, since which for revenge, they had another bout
upon Owen Roes quarters, where Preston fell in, And hath slaine Major Sturlocke,
the great plunderer, and others.
The Act was brought in, for prohibiting of Ministers to meddle in their
Pulpits with States matters, only to preach Jesus Christ, and to convert and
save soules; and also a declaration was added to the said Act to manifest to the
people the resolutions of the Parliament to settle Religion (according to the
heads, mentioned in my last). The House recommitted them, to be each brought
in a part distinct by themselves.
The House passed an Order for the Committee for Warwick and Coventry, to leavie
by sesse, monies to be raised for pay of the Arreers of the 2. Companies of Foot of
that County, and to Continue it to them until they shall be disbanded.
Instruction passed the House for the Committee of the Army to pay 380 l. to
20 Labourers, Clerks,and other Officers of the Tower, who have done Service for
the Committee of the Armie, but received no sallarie from the Common-wealth,
for these six yeers last past. Something about Armes. &c.
Mr. Tho. Butler added to the Commissioners for the 90000 li. per mensem Assessements.
By Letters from Scotland came further this day thus, That David Losly hath suppressed
Pilshcard, and Sheriffe Cromartie, and upon his return intercepted Letters
giving notice of a new Combustion, the Chiefe Leaders whereof were, The Earle
Marshall, The Lord Ogleby, Lieut. Gen. Middleton, and others of note; That the
said Letters gave notice of a Committee appointed to meet in the West part of Angus,
and thereupon David Losly went thither to suppresse them, and took some of
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