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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

the Committee and others prisoners,but the chief escaped to a strong hold of the Earl
Marshalls : But the Lord Ogleby and Middleton, being fearful of a siege,(and having
before caused a vessell to be ready to transport them over into Holland to their new
King, if they were forced to that shift) they left the Earl Marshall, they took beat
and hasted away beyond Sea. The Earl Marshall stayes at his hold,(a strong place)
David Losley came back to Atholl,Though the grand Malignants would gladly compound
with him,yet they dare not,fearing to come in because Marquesse Huntly was
An Act was read the first time for abating of prizes for victuals and com, to
prohibit (for a time) the dressing of Beef, Veal, Mutton, or any flesh meat, except
what is wild,as Rabbits,or Fowl, or Birds, that so the Stocks of Cattle may not
be destroyed in the Common-wealth : Also that no Ale be sold for above a pennie
a quart, nor that malt be made after such a day, till such a time again, &c. The
House recommitted it, when it is past, it will be a great releif to the poor of the
A small Scots vessel was taken by an Irish Frigot with 4. Guns, as it was going
into Dublin bay with oatmeal, to sell it at Dublin.
The Common ordered (for the better dispatch of businesses for the Common-wealth),
That Mr. Speaker, Justice Phesant, Justice Phillip Jernsin, Baron Thomas
Gates, Sir Edward Leech, Mr. John Page, Mr. Edward Rich, Mr. Edward Estonhead,
Mr, William Child, Mr. John Sadler, Mr. William Hackwell, Masters of the
Chanceric; Doctor, Thomas Bennet, Dr. Robert Alyt, and Dr. Thomas Health,
should have Commissions under the great Seal of England to sit and hear causes in
the Rolls, in absence of the Lords Commissioner for the great Seal, who during
the Term cannot be there,because of their sitting in the Court of Chancerie.
Col. Poyer was this day brought before a Court Marshall at Whitehall,and witnesses
heard on both sides, and it was proved that though he had not a particular
Commission from a Commander in chief, yet as he was Major of Pembrook hee
was Captain,and acted by that Authority,and took pay, and gave in account for
his Arrears; also that a Commission from Prince Charles was found in his Chest;
and that he confessed to severall Officers that he had a Commission from Prince
Charles but said he acted not by it; but it was proved he acted upon that interest
against the Parliament,and joyned with that party. And in conclusion he was by
the Court found guilty of the Articles charged against him, and sentenced that he
shall suffer death for the same.
Sir John Stowell, Mr. Cauton the Minister, and Judge Jenkins,are appointed to
be tried this Term at the Upper Bench Bar.
The Bill of Mortallity for LONDON.
97 Parishes within the Walls 53 Plague o.
16 Parishes without the Walls 122 Plague O.
80 Our Parishes 43 Pleague o.
The totall, 217 Pleague o
Increased this weeke 4
7 Additionall Parished 27 Pleague o.
Wednesday April II.
The House of Commons were acquainted that the Kings Armes were still
hung up in the Court of Common Pleas,whereupon the House passed this following
Die Mercurii, II Aprill.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, that the Armes of the late King in
the Court of Common Pleas be forthwith taken downe; And that the Warden of the
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