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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

Fleet be required to see it done, and a Carpet put up in the roome thereof, And the Wardrop
is to furnish a Carpet for that purpose.
Henry Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The House of Commons upon a Report from the councell of State this day
spent much time for preparation of the forces to goe to Ireland, and passed the
propositions concerning the said forces, that was presented by the Officers at
White-Hall, which I gave you formerly, when they were referred to the councell
of State; And the House further passed these Votes and Orders,(viz.)
Die Mercurii II Aprill.
Resolved by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That a sufficient number of ships
may be constantly imployed upon the Irish coasts to be at the command of the
Generall of the land forces in Ireland.
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Councell of Sate, and to the Admirall
of the sea, that the same be done accordingly.
Ordered, &c. That businesse touching the victualling of the Winter Guard
for Ireland, be referred to the Councell of State, and that it be referred to the
said councell touching the adjurdging, and disposing of the prizes taken on the
Coasts of Ireland, to take course for effecting thereof by Commissioners or such
other ways as they shall think sit(for advancing and quickening the service)subject
to give an account to the Admiralty of England.
Resolved, &c. That effectual provision be made for maimed Souldiers during
their lives, and for the widowes and Orphants of such as shall be slaine in the
service, and that for the present one, or more Hospitalls be appointed and prepared
at Dublin or else where, for the recovery of sicke and lame Souldiers.
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Councell of State to consider of, and
present to the House, the most effectuall way, how there may be provision made
according to the last resolution.
Resolved, &c. That a competent Traine of Artillery, with Armes both for
Horse and Foote, Ammunition, and other things necessary, be provided for
that service,
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Councell of State to consider of the
Trayne of Artillery and the particulars of it according to the late resolutions.
Resolved, &c. That such Backs, Breasts and Pots as shall be wanting, shall be
provided for every Trooper who shall be imployed in the service, and these to
be transported to such place, or places,as the Commander in chief shall direct.
Ordered, &c. That it be referred to the Councell of State to Treate with the
Officers of the Forces that are to go into Ireland upon what termes the Armes
Horse and Furniture to be provided may be continued and maintained.
Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Councell of State to confer with the
said Officers of the said forces, touching the sending over recruits of Horse and
men, &c. for the forces in the service of Ireland, as occasion shall require.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
The Army are upon so good a forwardnesse for the advance for the service of
Ireland, as that this day the Officers of the Army were appointed to meet about
the casting of lots which Regiments shall ingage in that service : Upon the vote
of the House of Commons that passed Munday last for the LordGeneral and the
rest to go into London to Treat with the City on the Thursday following for the
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