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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

2. That no Officers under the same paines aforesaid, shall hereafter depart or
absent himself from his said charge for above the space of 24. Houres, unless in attendance
at the Head Quarters of the Armie or Brigade, without such leave in writing
as is hereafter expressed, (viz.)
1. The interior Officers of any Troop or Company to have leave under the hand of the
Captain or chief Officer present with the Troop or Company. The Captain or such like
chief Officer present to have like leave from the Field Officer or chief Commander present
with the Regiment; the Field Officer to have like leave from the chief of the Brigade
or Generall Officer in command over him.
2. That no Captain, Field Officer, or chief Commander present with any Troop, Company
or Brigade, shall have power to give leave to any Commission Officer under their respective
Commands to be absent for above the space of 10 dates; neither shall it be lawfull
for any Commission Officer by vertus of any such leave as before exprest,to be absent
above the said space of 10 dates, without leave under my own hand, or under the hand of
the Major Generall, or Lieut. Gen. under the same pains as before.
Notwithstanding there hath not been a due observance and performance
hereof,some Souldiers having taken liberty to commit several misdemeanors to
the dishon our of the Army, and prejudice of the Country.
These are therefore strictly to required you that for the future on do yeeld,a constant and due
obedience to the Orders aforesaid, upon the penalties therein expressed.
These Orders I require to be forth with(upon receipt)published to each Troop
Company and Regiament by the respective cheife Officers present.
Given under my Hand and Seale, in Queenstreetthe the II of April 1649.
Sir, A Letter from the Hague.
The Scots Commissioners have had audience of the presented Letters or papers unto their
declared King,upon the knee; a way counted ridiculous in these parts : they tell their
King he knew Scotlands minde by some sent before, and they desire to treat about it, but first
Montrosse must depare, they bewailed the death of his Father, and envyed against the causers
of it, as yet no Treaty hath been,nor answer given,and though it was declared, by their declared
King, to the States, that he had a desire to goe by France to Ireland, where bee had
more friends then in Scotland,and so such conditions would be required, yet you will finde the
will not speed hence, but make his abode here, as the best center of his affaires,and that some of
the States may possibly be advisers, in case his own counsell, whereof Sir John Culpepper,
and the Lord Cottington are chief,be not over violent to the contrary,Beleeve it, this State
will not proceed beyond a neutrality, above-board nor under &c. yet will bee forward to advance
the interest most safe for them. Arch Duke Leopold before his return from France, sent to
the Parisians for money to pay his Army,which shews,became in upon that score, they poore
men cannot now give to a forreign enemy without breach of Oath, the Spaniards taking on so
many of the disbanded Germans, as also the French,is a signe they are not like to accord.
Hague 8 Aprill, 1649.
Thursday April 12.
The Act for Compositions, was this day published; That Composition allowed
by both Houses, be paid before May 6. Those by the House of Commons
only,before May 20. Those by the Commis. Only, before April 7. A Moyety
by May 6. the rest within 6. weekes after they shall be allowed by the Commons.
Those after April 7. the first within 14. days, the latter 6 weeks. And
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