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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 119, 6th-13th April 1649 E.529[10]

in any default from what is above to pay a fourth part more,and interest. Those
that compound not for their whole estate within the time limited to besequestred
till conforme. The Com. for the Counties to make Leases for such numbers of
yeares as they shall conceive best advantagious to the Commonwealth,time not
to be above three yeares, and if they be made to Delinquents then to be void,
And the rents and profits so such defaulters to be paid in to Goldsmiths-hall.
That all Delinquents shall within 28. dayes after April 8. effectually prosecute
their Composition, or their estates be consiscate. Provided Articles not forfeited be
made good. That Delinquents not compounding dwell not in, nor put in any into
their houses. The oath to be administred to the Solicitors. The Committees to
be allowed out of the Rents 6 d. in the li. Solicitors out of the payments 3 d. per
li. And the Collectors 2 d. per li The Treasurers allowance as for Compositions.
That such as have been ordered to settle maintenance upon Ministers, do
within 8. weeks after April 7. setle the same on Trustees appointed by the
Commissioners, or be re-sequestred till it be done, with the Arrears paid. And those that shall bee
ordered to settle any on Ministers for the future, to doe it within 8. weeks after the Order. The
Commis. upon the Compounders paying in the last moyety of his Fine, to grant an Order to suspend
the Sequestrations, and on full satisfaction to discharge the estate for so much as he hath compound
for. The Barons of the Exchequer to be Commis. for Appeals for Sequestrations,to be effectually
prosecuted within two months after April 7. and for contempt it to be null.
A Prill 9 The Parliament and the Chamber of accounts met, with the Magistrates of this City,
at a high Masse, which was sung in our Lay Church, for the reducing of this Towne, The
II Marquesse of Noirmontier. and Monsieur Lesque, having notice of the publication of the peate.
arrived also here the next day. The 15th The Prince of Conti and divers other Grandees, went to
St. Jormines to salute their Majesties, who received him with so many restimonies of good Will is
if there never had been any breach. From whence the Marquesse de Roquclaure is returned
to his House, and there is no other businesse for the present, but to advance the Souldiery towards
the frontiere. From whence, news came that the A D. Leopold doth threaten the Town of
Ypre, that it may not bee said he gained nothing upon our devisions by fraud nor force.
The same day the Provost,and the Marchants of this City,after they had given thanks to the Co.
for their care of keeping good Orders in their severall quarters in Paris, during the late troubles
did make them a sumptuous feast,where met also the Duke of Montbazon our Governor, after dinner.
The Provost and Merchants went to visit the Duke of Orleans in his Pallace in this City, being
come from St. Germans. The same day was here published the Ordinance of the Marshals France
injoyning all the Provosts of the Isle of France to take horse to guard the wayes and passages from
the disorders of untruly Souldiers, and disordered people, yesterday the Deputies of the Parliament
went to complement his Royall highnesse,and the same day the Prince of Conde came to Town.
Paris 17 (alias 7) April. 1649.
The Act for disposall of Deans and Chapters Lands, was this day read, and after a long dispute
concerning the Proviso for Ministers, &c. It was recommitted.
[unr] The Act for Inventoring of the Kings Goods, for sale, was read the first time and committed, and
a Committee chosen to consider of the sale of some of the late Kings Dear, and disposal of the Parks
and reserving such as shall be needful for State. M.G. Laughorn was this day sentenced to be first
20 death. In the afternoon the court proceeded to tryall of Col. Powel, and Cap Howen
Col. Powel is sentenced to be shot to death, And Cap. Bowen is to be tryed to morrow.
The Committee treated with the Common Counsel at Guild-hal,as was appointed Who returned
Answer, That they exceedingly rejoyced in the proceedings of the Parliament and Army, and
will indevour the speedy advance of the 120000 li. desired.
Major Gen. Laughorn condemned to be that to death. Col. Poyer condemnes to die, with the tryall ofosher
Officers by a Court Marshall. The triall of lieut. Col. Lilburn and 3. Citizens, and of Judge Perkins,
Sir John Stowel, and Mr. Cauton the Minister at the Kings Bench, And Prisoners executed, the Lord
Generalls Proclamation, Letters from France, particulars of David Lesleyes victories in Scotland, severall
ships lost, and some taken at Sea, The Tryall of Major Gen. Browne and other Parliament [unr]
ships come in with corne, A shooemaker in London would have had his man out off his head, [unr]
Votes of the Parliament concerning Ireland, The Treaty with the City for Monies, 2 Fights in Ireland,
many killed, and the good success of Col. Jones, with other good newes from Ireland, And Prince Charles Declaration upon the Treaty with the State.

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