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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

Num. 125
Perfect Occurrences.
Every Daie Journall
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And Other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army,and other Parts.
From Friday May. The 18. to Friday May 25. 1649.
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
By a Particular Order of Parliament
Imprimater Theodore Jennings. 24. May. 1649.
Printed at London by R.I.For Robert Ibbitson, & John Clowes.and are to be sold in
Smithfield,and without Creplegate. 1649.
Beginning Friday May 18.
Axamate had Liberties to fight for in Metia:
When Orestes turnes murderer, his wandrings
finde disturbance. Those that killed Doctor
Doreflowes, may lye like Natmegs in a Grater;
But they are the individi[unr] of a poore,
pitifull,blacke Jimcto. Peaceable [unr] perswades
the peace of Nations.
This day were Papers read in the House of
Commons from montiear Albertas Joakimy, an
Agent for the Estates of Holland, whose name
in Hebrew written this,
Which in English is thus,
God is a Fountaine to flye to, be will support me.
The Papers were directed into the supreme power of this Nation. The Parliament of
England, Shewing with what were the Estates of Holland have proceeded for the
discovery of the Murder of Doctor Doreslew and how much they desire the
strengthning of the Amity between the Nations. The house of Commons ordered
thankes to be returned: And passed Instructions for the Councell of State.
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