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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 126, 25th May-1st June 1649 E.530[25]

Perfect Concurrences
Evey Daies Journal
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And other
From His Excellency The Lord Generall Fairfax's Army, and other Party
From Friday May the 25. to Fryday June the 1. 1649.
Imprimatur Thoodore Jennings, May 31. 1649.
Collected by H. Walker Clerics by a Particular Order of Parliament,
London, Printed by J.C. for John Clowes, and Robert Jbbisson and
are to be sold near Cripplegate, and in Smithfield
Beginning Fryday May 25.
MOnoscelians have hands like Sir Toby Mathewes, (The
Duke of Yorks designed Tutor,) to his Mr, who have
nothing to shelter themselves from the Suns heate,
but their single leggs; and therefore they think a
Red Cap at the last will do the work, and make his
Master break way for his Brothers Blue one; And
for this purpose he may be his Guardian, by Injunction
from Rome, for Ireland.
Toby Mathewes written in Hebrew Characters
Signifies in English thus.
Thou sbalt cause desire from a desolation.
The Assembly of Divines this day approved and passed Mr. Samuel Andrewes to be Minister
for Southam, in the County of Warwick, Mr. Harper to be Minister for Epping in
Essex, and another Minister for a third place; but Mr. Sparkes was not approved for
Thundersley in Essex, and therefore laid aside.
A Letter was sent to the Lord Gen. from the Parliament, as followeth, viz.
My Lord,
To his Excellency the Lord Fairfax Gen.
The Parl. hath ordered the Committee for the Army to send down to your Lordship three
or four hundred Copies of the Act lately passed for the more certain supply of the Souldiery
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