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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

Other Letters were also read from Holland, advertising what great respect is
shewed to Mr. Strickland, the Parliaments Agent there, by the Estates, and their
offers of a guard of Souldiers to him if he desire it;acknowledged him a publick
Agent, and shew all the civilities that may be to those of the interest of the
Parliament of England. That they doe effectually prosecute against those that
murdered Dr. Doreslow, and shew great dislike to the proceedings of those about
Prince Charles; and how ever that the losse of so precious a Gentleman is great,
yet it is likely to prove very advantagious to strengthen the Amity between the
Estates of Holland,and the Parliament of England; and that the Estates Generall
(also)have approved of what the Estates of the Provinces have done against the
murderers of Dr.Doreslow. Instructions passed for the Councell of State.
The House of Commons also passed a Declaration, a copy of which followeth.
A DECLARATION of the Parliament of England, of their Resentment
of the Horrid Murther perpetrated on the body of Isaac Dorislaus, Doctor
of the Laws,their Resident at the Hague,on the 12.of May, 1649.
Whereas Isaac Dorislaus, Doctor of the Laws, and one of the Judges of the
High Court of Admiralty of this Commonwealth, was lately imployed
from the said Commonwealth as their publick minister to be resident, together
with Walter Strickland Esq. a member of Parliament, resident there, with the
high and Mighty Lords, the State Generall of the United Provinces, to whom
he had Credentials and Instructions for maintaining a right understanding and
good correspondence between the Nation, according to the ancient All pances and
Treaties; and was within few dayes after his arrivall there, notwithstading his
said publicke character, barbarous and elecrable murthered, by armed man bielently
rushing into his Lodging: The Parliament of England habe thought fit to
Declare,and be it hereby Declares, That they habe a berg tender [unr] and resentment
of the said barbarous murther of the said Dr. Doriflaus their Kesbent,and of
the affront and [unr] that is the [unr] Done to this Commonwealth: And although
the particular Instruments and Actors of this ererable wickednesse are not
pet Clearly known, which the said Parliament doubts not but the [unr] Justice
will in time Discober,and being to a just and due punishment; pet it is sufficiently
manifest, by their prebious threatnings, to the proceeded from that party from
whom all the troubles of this Nation habe formerly [unr], who being it his to
that I Pranny from which this Commonwealth hath happiso (though the blessing
of God) indicated themselves, cease not to prosecute all those councels that well
can suggest for the re-establishment of it; whose impes of fores the Parliament
doubts not but God will inable them to resist, if that Enemy shall againe after a
double conquest, attempt upon the Peace and Liberty of this Commonwealth.
And the better to beter them from these abominable Cillanies of murther and Assesination,
They hereby Declare, That they shall not suffer an act of such inhumanity
and hatefull impset to passe, without a signall mark of their just resentment;
but shall therefore esteem themselves called upon hereby, to being to due punishment
those of the Enemies party, not being admitted to compound, whose Crimes and
Treasons habe long since forfeited their libes to the Justice of the Latos, whom the
parliament might otherwise have been induced to give pardon unto, had they not
seen that party so salbage like thirsting after blood. And the said parliament do further
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