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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

Declare, That if the Enemy shall go on to perpetrate, or emenbour any such
horrible eretrable Millanies, whereby either life or member of any person faithfull
to the interest of the Commonwealth shall be inoange[unr], That they shall, be the erecution
of justice upon such members of that party (as not being admitted to compound)
are at their mercy,and might otherwise habe enjoyed it, as shall make them
find that course to be of disadvantage to them.
Die Veneris, 18. Maii, 1649.
ORered by the Comons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be
forth with Printed and published. Hen. Scobell Cleric.Parliamenti.
An Act was brought in,and read, concerning Marriages, Divorces, probate
of Wills, Administration, Tythes, and other matters of Civill Law, formerly
agitated in the Bishops Courts. It was read the first time, and cast out of the
The House referred it to a Committee to bring in another Act for settling of
Courts concerning Marriages, Divorce, probate of Wills; Administrations, and
other Civill causes, without the mention of Tythes in that Act.
Some Further debates about Tythes were referred.
The Assembly of Divines passed two Ministers this day,one for Castle-Bitham
in Lincolnshire, and another for another place, some others were turned by.
From Ireland letters say,that the corne is not yet arrived at Dublin.
To the Supreame Authority of England, the Commons Assembled in Parliament
The Humble Petition of John Sictor a Bohemian.
That when the Lord of Hosts had given many and happy Victories unto this Honorable
Parliament, Your Petitioner recorded them in peculiar Chronograms for
all posterity; and by speciall Order presented them printed to every one of Your
Members of this Honourable House. But hitherto (after above two years and six
months expectation,and solicitation)he hath not received any favourable compensation
and satisfaction for his pains and charge in composing, Printing,and covering
of such Books(Only manifold promises.)
Wherefore him most humble desire is, That this Honourable House would be Pleased
to consider his distressed estate (being a Gentleman banished from his Country for Religion)
and to confer on him some favorable gratuity for his present releise, and to further his
intended voyage (now after 28 years absence) in Germany for subsistance in his old age,
under Prince Elector Palatine. And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c.
Saturday May 19.
The House of Commons this day tooke into consideration the businesse of Delinquents
concerning the persons nominated for mittigation of their fines, which
was the businesse of this day.
The House first passed some Compositions of Delinquents, upon reports from
Goldsmith-hall,which being performed they are to have their pardons.
Die Luna 19 May 1649.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament,That Sir Roger T Wisden
(notwithstanding the fine imposed on him by a former vote of this House)
be referred to the committee at Goldsmith-hall, to compound at a tenth, and not
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