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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

2. Ordered, &c. That Sir Benjamin Alitt (notwithstanding the fine imposed
on him by a former vote of this House)be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths
hall, to compound at a tenth and not those.
Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliamenti.
Sir John Hewet was referred to Goldsmith-Hall to compound for a six
Die Sabbathi 10 May. 2649.
1. Resolved upon the question by the Commons Ate[unr]bles in Parliament, That
the cases of all such Delinquents, as here appointed by never to be taken in
to consideration this day, be referred to the Committee at Goldsmith-hall, to habe
and determine the same as the merits of their particular cases shall require, according
to the Rules formerly given by this House.
2. Resolved, &c. That all such Delinquents as habe Compounded at Goldsmith-hall,
and their Compositions reported, and allowed, and their Droinances passed
both house of Parliament,shall pap in their monyes according to their Compositions,
without erpecting and further review. And that all those whose reports are
made and Ordinances passed this house, and not passed the house of Parts, upon
what presence soeber (except for the [unr] of Articles) shall pay in their monies as
aforesaid without expecting any further rehiem.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliamenti.
An Act declaring and Constituting the people of England to be a
Common Wealth and Free-State.
Be it Declared and Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority of
the same,That the People of England, and all the Dontinions and [unr]
thereunto belonging, are and shall bee, and are hereby Constituted, made, established
and confirmed, to be a Common-wealth and free state: And shall spend
henceforth be [unr]ned as a Common wealth and free State, by the Supreme
Authority of this Nation, The Representatives of the People in Parliament, and
by such as they shall appoint and constitute as Officers and Ministers umber them
for the good of the People, and that without any [unr] House of Lo[unr].
Die Sabbathi, 19 Maii, 1649
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That this Act be forthwith
Printed and Published.
Hen. Scobel Cleric.Parliamenti.
The Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal were ordered to cause it to be published
according to law.
From the Navy came this day letters, that there hath divers ships brought corn
from beyond Sea into the River of Humber, but that the Irish have taken 2 vessels
that were laden with corne, and one vestell laden with merchandize, neer Humber
mouth, but care it taken to guard those seas sufficiently for the future.
The Generalls at Sea have taken from the Princes Navy about Scilly, neere the
lands end vssell called the Blessing of London, formerly taken by them laden with
murchandize, and was a man of Warre.
The Busines concerning Clothiers should have been this day debated in the house
of Commons,and accordingly M. Edward Rozar that [unr] that busines presented
these reasons to the House,(viz.)
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