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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

of all, and every such person and persons, which now are, as shall be found
within their Liberties respect their,as were in see [unr] late Mebellion,and are fled from
the Generall, that they may be brought to [unr], accept such as babe been [unr]
by the Generall, and babe a passe under the band of the Generall for the purpose.
3. Ordered, &c. that Mr. Attorney Generall, doe prepare a Proclamation to
be sent into,and proclaimed in the severall Counties, for apprehending all such persons
as were in the late [unr],and report if to the house forthwith.
Hen. Scobell Cleric.Parliamenti.
The substance of the Lord Generalls Letter was, That Tompson with 15. horse
had marched into Northampton Towne, seized the Magazine, and the monies in
the Excise mens hands, went to the Major, called the poore of the Towne, distributed
10 li. amongst the poore, and made invitations to the people to come
in to him, joyne with him for their Liberties,and had drawn in some 30, or 40,
to come in to him.
But when the County Troope, and some others, with Col. Reynolds, were
come up towards Northampton against him, be fied out of the Towne, but some
of his followers were taken. And Tompson himselfe fled into Wellingborough
wood,where he was surrounded, and his sellowes taken prisoner upon bare
Tompson being discovered,a party of ten Troopers rid up to him,whom be charged,
fought, and shot one of them; and upon a second charge shot another, and
Tompson being well horsed (though wounded) wheeled about againe, and rid
up to a bush where he made another charge, and wounded one of them; but a
Corporall having laden a Carbine with seven bullets, marched up to him, and
shot him, that he fell, and was then exceedingly cut by the Souldiers; for though
they had called to him to take quarter, yet he refused, saying that he would
neither take, nor give quarter.
The prisoners were sent to Northampton. And the Lord Generall refers their
triall to the Parliament, they being not of the Army.
The House of Commons ordered Mr John Durant of Canterbury to be Lecturer
in Place of Dr. Knight.
Die Lun[unr] 21.May, 1649.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That it be referred to
the Committee of plundered Ministers in Place an able Minister in Langham,
in the County of Effex,until this House shall take further Diver.
Hen.Scobell Cleric.Parliamenti.
The House of Commons ordered that the Act for the Accounts of the Nation
should be speedily brought in, that it may be passed for bringing all persons
to account.
The Commons ordered the Act for setling of the Jurisdiction of the Court
of the Exchequer to be reported, which was read, and after debate committed
to a Committee.
An Act concerning the Northern Counties was ordered to be brought in, on
this day seven-night, to be reported to the House.And a Committee appointed
for that purpose.
A motion was made to the House for a review of the compositions of some
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