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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

the councell of Kilkenny, to manage all affaires in Ireland by an absolute authority
from her sonne their King,in which they made great protestations, it was
denyed by the Queen,and her councell, who had debates that the Councell of
Kilkenny were to be looked on as Heretickes, and no more to be trusted then the
Parliament of England; and that none but true Roman Catholicks were to be
trusted therein, with any such power.
It was also propounded that Prince Charles their King may be resident in
France, where faithfull counsell (with his mother may be about him) and there
be kept until such time that he have clearly mainfested to them to be settled in
the Romish Catholicke Religion.
That in the meane time, the Duke of Yorke give a testimony of his profession
of the Romish Catholicke Religion, and that he be made a Cardinall, and sent
over into Ireland to act according to that interest, and the officers of that Nation
to be ordered and managed by that power for the present.
That when Prince Charles shall be fully settled in the Romish Catholics Religion,
he may be sent over to Ireland, and take the rule and government of that
Kingdome solely upon him.
These debates were private in the Queen of Englands Councell;and hereupon
some things delatory were given in answer to the Irish Agent.
There is talke this day of Storming London-Derry in Ireland, but I saw not letters
of it, and therefore I will leave out the story.
The Lord Generally, Lieutenant Generall, and Councell of the Army, upon
letters of a new party of Levellers risen about the Isle of Wight, and some
others lurking about Summer setshire, made severall resolves for the proceedings
to reduce them.
The Bill of Mortallity for LONDON.
97 Parishes within the Walls 58 Plague I.
16 Parishes without the Walls 77 Plague 0.
to Out Parishes 58 Plague 0.
The totall, 186 Plague 1.
Decreased this weeke, 3
7 Additionall Parishes 34 Plague 0,
Wednesday May 23.
The House of Commons passed Instructions for the Clerke of the House to
search the Journall books of each House respectively,concerning Votes &c.
for Fines, &c.
Die Merchrii, 1649.
Major Salway reports from the committee of Goldsmith-hall, certaine resolutions
of that Committee, which were read.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That it be referred backe
to the same committee to prepare an Act to the purpose of these Resolutions, and to
being it into the House with all speed.
Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.
A copy of the Said Votes.
1. That all such persons as have since the of March. 1642, entered upon
or shall hereafter enter upon, or possesse themselves of the estate of any Delinquent,
by virtue of any extent, mortgage, forfeiture, or otherwise, shall pay
into the Treasury at Goldsmith-hall such summe or summes of money, as the
said Delinquent should or ought to have paid for so much of his estate as any
such person hath so entred upon, and possessed according to the respective rules,
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