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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

and propositions prescribed by Authority of Parliament, consideration being
had to such other debts as are legally charged upon the said estate.
And upon payment of such Fine, shall and is hereby enabled to enjoy the
said estate, as well till the Fine, as his owne just debts owing to him by such
Delinquents, be fully satisfied.
2. And if any Delinquent shall submit to his Composition, and joyne in security
for the same, to any person for so much as the Fine of such Delinquent
shall amount unto, That then every such Delinquent shall be re-possessed and
restored unto his said estate, upon full satisfaction given to such person according
to his former debt,and present disbursement to the Commonwealth.
And in case such Delinquent shall not joyne, that then such estate, after the
said debt and fine satisfied shall be confiscated and revert to the Common-wealth.
3. And in case any person having such extent, or being so possessed of any
Delinquents estate, shall not before the first day of August next ensuing, deliver
in a particular thereof to the Commissioners for compositions at Goldsmith-hall,
and pay in, and secure the Fine and Composition, according to the Rules
set and appointed; that then the same estate shall be forthwith seized and sequestred
to the use of the Commonwealth, and the rents, issues, and profits
thereof, shall be returned into the Treasury of the Committee at Goldsmith-hall,
notwithstanding any extent, seisure,or entry made or had thereupon.
And the said Commissioners have the same Authority hereby given them to
proceed to sequester such estates, and to use such meanes for the discovery
thereof,and bringing in of rents and profits arising out of the same, as by the
Act of the 9. of Aprill 1649. entituled, An Act prescribing certaine times to Delinquents
for perfecting their Compositions, &c. or by any other Act of Ordinance
heretofore passed is granted unto them.
4 That the Clarkes of the Commons House of Parliament do forthwith peruse
the Journall and Records of either House respectively concerning such fines as have
been immediately imposed upon any person by both or either House.
And that the same be forthwith transmitted and certified to the Commissioners
for Compositions sitting at Goldsmith-hall.
From the Navy came this day letters that divers of those taken by the Parliaments
Navy (who revolted) have been tried by a Councell of Sea Officers, some out of
the Satisfaction, &c. 2 were executed both hanged at the Yards Arme According to
the sea Lawes.
By a Councell of Officers, with the Generalls of the Parliaments Navy some Instructions
were agreed upon for reducing of Prince Ruperts Navy at Kingsale, where
he is returned from the Irish with so many Ships as will make him up 15, onely
some of them are not quite trimed. And nine more are to come to joyn with him
from washford and waterford. Some considerable action is like to bee very suddainly.
Just as the Letters were sending away newes came to the General, of the Navy,
that 2 more of prince Charlese's Ships are taken.
A Letter came to the House of Commons from the Lord Gen.his Excellency,and
Lieut.Gen.and others having Commensed at Oxford (Doctors of Civil Law, &c.) The
Lo.Gen.desired to promote to good work for that City,Which was for Lectures to be
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