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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 125, 18th-25th May 1649 E.530[18]

Rowse one of the followes of Allsoules made a speech to that purpose,Saturday he dined at Magdelen
Colledgo, with all his Officers and was there entertained with much freedom, and two severall
Speeches one by Mr. Ravens,the other by Mr. Dile,after Dinner he being attended with the Lieu
Gen.and with several field Officers went to the Convocation, and Mr. Proctor Sankie of Alsouls
who was appointed to present him, left his chaire and made a speech suitable to the present occasion
expressing the greatnesse of that honour and respect which was given to Learning, tryumphing in
al their former and latter successes,and that the university have such eminent Parriots to countenance
them, afterward the Proctor presented the Lord Gen.and Leut.Gen. to the degrees of D.of civil
and Sir Hardresse Waller,Col.Harrison,Col.Ingoldsby,Col Hewson, Col.Okte,Adj.Gen.Sedaseve
Quar.Mr Gen.Grove nor,Scout Mr.Gen.Row to the degrees of Mr. of Arts; and Mr. Barton to Bachc
or of Divinity, upon the admitting of them, the Vice.Chancellor D.Reynolds made a speech and
when the businesse of the Convocation was done, Mr.Oritor Button of Christ-Church made another
speech, al of them striving to cut-vie one another, who should give the greatest honour to the present
proceeders and expresse the greatnessee of their favour, in countenancing the University, the
Convocation-house was devided by Railes that the youth of the University may be incouraged in the
sight of such a Solemnity, who against the custome of that House were admitted there into afterward
the University entertained them with a Banquet in the Library, (The Solemnity and exercise of that
day,more resembled a publick act,hen private Convocation.After which the L.Gen.the Lieut Gen.
and the rest of the Officers returned, their hearty expressing of respects to the whole University,
especially to those who had taken the greatest pains,in that days exercise. Sabboth day Mr. Wilkinson
preached in the morning, and Mr.Proctor Mand it in the afternoon,who had thanks given them
for their sermons, Mr.Mandit blessed God with much affection for al the successe of the Army, and
applied himselfe to sutable subject to incourage the Souldiery to goe on with alacrity to rel[unr] Ireland,
Upon Munday after the Lord General had taken leave with the Vice-Chancelor, Proctors and
the rest of the University was attended by the Colledge,Mr.Septon making a speech at his depar[unr]
who intended to go that night to Reading.
Oxford 21 May 1649.
Thursday May 25.
PRince Charles receives,yet no mony from the Hollanders as expected: And the Provinciall Estates
are adjourned, and gone home to their respective place. Prince Charles intended to
out from the Hague for France as Thursday next. The Lady Oboney is dead in Childbed.
The House passed additionall votes about Bishops lands,for allowance to the Trustees, Treasurers
Clerks, &c. A Petitioned from Merchants about the Court of Admirally was rend and Committed
some Members added to the Committee for Ministers,and other Committees.
Mr. Peters is come from the Navy,brings news of gallant resolution of the Parliaments Navy,
The Generalls are gone with 8 brave ships against Prince Rupert to Kingsale, and two Fireship
and Sir George Aysue is sayling towards Dublin with 13.Ships, one Ship more is taken from the
Irish, which makes the number of Prizes 29, taken by the Parliaments Navy. Some Merchants
Ships of Holland, are come into lieth in Scotland.
The Lord Generall staid at Odium, Lieutenant Gen. Crumwell is gone toward portsmouth. It is
not doubted but the Souldiery,of the Garrisons both of the Isle of Wight,and Castles adjacent, will
all submit to the Orders of the Generall
Thus have you Occurrences concerning
Gallant newes brought from the Navie by Mr. Peters.Eight men of war and two fire ships
against Prince Rupert in Kingsale. Twenty nine ships taken from Prince Charles and the
Irish Rebels. Prince Charles going to France. The Duke of York made a Cardinal.The
Queen of Englands Answer to the Irish Agent,and her Letter to Prince Charles. A bloodie
fight in Ireland, with the particulars of those that are killed and taken. Sir George [unr]
Kews releeving of Dublin with 13. Ships. The Parliament of Englands letter to the Parliament
of Scotland for a Treatie. Good newes of a generall peace and settlement with all the
godly party, and proceedings about Major Generall Brown, Master Cawton and others.
Proceedings of the Parliament concerning the Kings Children. New Votes Concerning compositions
of Delinquent. Mr. Speakers Letter to the Lord Generall,and the Proceedings
of the Armie for reducing the Levellers in and about the Isle of Wight, and the Particular
of the sight with the Levellers.
These Occurrences come out by order of Parliament,and none else have such Authority.

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