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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 126, 25th May-1st June 1649 E.530[25]

two of them to supervile the Act and Orders of the Parl. After they are entred, that so
there may be no mistake.
The House referred 3 Acts concerning Prisoners, Marriages, and the Reduced Officers,
Souldiers, and Widdowes, untill Munday. The Act for Ministers untill Tuesday,
And the Act for Dutch Officers untill Wednesday.
Somthing was moved concerning the Sheriffe of Lancashire, and quaries made, but
the House being satisfyed that he is an honest wel-affected person, so the Parl. and Common-wealth,
the further debate was laid aside.
Monsieur Joakemy Embassadour, for the High and mighty States of the united Provinces,
(for so he is to give him his right Title,) hath sent Letters to the States, to
acquaint them how well the Parliament of England have recented the papers be
delivered in from them.
An Act for stating the Accounts of the Souldiers, was read, and committed.
[unr] Upon somthing (by a private Neighbour) charged against Mr. Glyn, late Recorder of
the City of London, his goods were sealed up, and some progresse made towards sequestrin
him, but there is some demurrers in the businesse; and some make question whether
he will not cleare himself, notwithstanding the information delivered in against
Saturday May 26.
There came further Intelligence by Letters from France, as followeth.
Right Honourable,
The day before yesterday, was Consiscate at the Councel de la Marine, the English Ship
called the Greyhound, taken in the Levant Sea. I am informed from Rouen, of the 28.
(alias II.) May, that 2 Irish Ships, the one carrying 18. the other 14 Peeces of Ordinance,
belonging to the Popes Nuneio, have taken 2 English Ships, the one of Which they have sent
mounted with 14 Peeces into Ireland, and the other they have carried to Havre de Grace,
which is a Man of Warre, and without any Merchandize at all.
We must hope that henceforth the Parliaments Navy, will not only hinder but repaire such
losses; And that if their Tituler King be but once passed into Ireland, there will be more
cleare correspondency from hence, which some labour to prevent.
Paris May 22. 1649.
A Petition was presented to the House in behalf of the Needle-makers, and Steele
Wyer-drawers, and another in behalf of Capt. Pechel, Executer to Major Bethel, that
was main at Bristol, And a Declaration of Col. Anthony Welden, and other papers by others
which were laid by.
From the Navy came Letters this day that Cap. Ball hath taken the Rose-Budd, a Dutch
Ship of Prince Coarle's Man of War with 20 Gans, And another Vessel with Merchandize,
that traded with the Irish Rebels.
Du Sabbathi 26, May 1649.
Mr Lechmere Reports Amendments to an Act for enlarging poor prisoners for Debt, which
Amendments were a vice read, and upon the Question, The whole Bill was ordered to be
recommitted; And to be brought in on Tuesday morning; And the Committee are to meet at
two of the Clock this Afternoon in the Speakers Chamber; And all that come are to have
voyses, and five to be of the Quorum, and Mr. Rigby is to take care of it.
Hen, Scobel. Cleric, Parliament.
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