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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 143, 21st-28th September 1649 E.533[12]

Num. 143
Perfect Occurrences,
Every Daie iournall
Proceedings of the Councell of State: And other
From His Excellency the Lord Generall Fairfax's Army,and other parts.
From Friday Sept. the 21 to Friday Septem 28. 1649
Collected by Henry Walker Cleric.
By a particular Order of Parliament
Printed at London by R. I. for Robert Ibbitson, & John Clowes. And are to be sold, in
Smithsield, and without Creplegate. 1649.
Beginning Fiday Septem. 21.
HE that is treacherous to his owne Country, hath
lesse of a man in him than a Moore, and is fitter
for a bauble then any place of honour: When
Plantres (the shame of Umbria)had spent all hee
had on baby-clouts,he was after wards forced to
turne a Bakers hand-mill for his living. Malignants
are not bettered by favours.
Sit James Smith of the West, and others, [unr]e
had new designes.
James smith written thus in Hebrew,
He will goe asids [unr] man.
The Copy of a Letter from Obster in the West.
GOd hath moved Sir James Smiths own servant to diseover his Masters wicked insigne,
(though ho had got the most part of three shires Malignants to joyn wish [unr]
his designe)First he would have surprised Excester,and made that a Garison for his crew:
and then he would have secured, or killed, all that would not have been for their King:N[unr]
say that some who are Berefieed (not for from honee) by authority from the Parliament
pray for King Charles the second: (God set a period to those miseries) Sir Jomes Smith
not to be found at present, not his Lady: Sir Hardreds Waller hath Sir James Smith for[unr]ts
Confession about the design aforesaid, Excester 21 Septem. 1649.
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