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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 143, 21st-28th September 1649 E.533[12]

Masse at the sound of the Drum. There was a great Noble-man in Wales, that
bought of all the Farmors he could, and kept the Corn for three yeers; and got
all the Arms that he could, and had a strong Commission to furnish whom he
would: And there is also a Letter brought to the House, as from Secretary
windebanks in the Queens name, to have all the Papists fast every Saturday for
the good successe of that desinge. There was also this day an Order made, that
all Judges in their next Circuits at the Assizes should put the Law in execution
against Jesuits and Priests, and to make return of the proceedings here in to the
Parliament. This day there was a Conference between both Houses concerning
the Scots 7 and 8 Demands, which was, that all Books, Libells, and Proclamations
against them, be called in, and that there be thanksgiving in all the Churches
for the happy conclusion of this Peace; And that all Forts and Ensignes of
War be taken away betwixt the two kingdomes. There was this day a motion
made to borrow 15000 pound more of the City of London, for the supplying of
both Armies.
Friday 10. There was a report made by the Committee for the Judges, that
some were more faulty than others; as namely, Judge Berkley: he was also very
violent in suppressing of Sope-boylers;and committed a Jury at Hereford Assizes,
for presenting the Communion Table. This day the House of Commons carried
up a charge to the Lords against Judge Berkley, and accused him of high
Treason;and the Gentleman-Uslier of the Black Rod was sent by the Lords to
the Court of Kings Bench, where he took him off the feat, Fitting betwixt two
other of the Judges; the charge against the other Judges is preparing. There
were also Commissioners appointed to go in to all places of the Kingdome to remove
all Altars, sell the Rayles, and give the money to the poor,and for abolishing
of all Idolatry before Easter next, and for the punishing of those that
shall Rayl the Table in again, or set up any Images in Churches; here is an Act
passed for the doing there of.
Saturday 11. There was an order made in the House, that the Lord Cook his
book shall be restored, and his Many soripts printed for the good of the Commonwealth.
This day Doctor Chayfield was brought into the House upon his
knees, being one of the Convocation the last Parliament; for adding these
words in the Letany, From all Lay. Pritans, and all Lay-Parliament men, Good Lord
deliver me; and like wise preached the same at a Visitation in his Sermon. There
was also a Petition preferred by Gluester men, that there were eight Parishes and
never a constant Preacher; and of a Reverend Preachey examined upon his Text,
for teaching that we ought to serve God in spirit and truth. And of another,
that for Repetition of this Sermon, was kept lose prisoner six weeks by the
Archbishop Wren.
Munday 14. The Bill for Trienniall Parliaments, and the Bill for Subsidies
was read and confirmed by the House of Commons; the rest of this day was
wholly spent in taking the Reports of the Committees for generall grievances.
Tuesday 15. The House of Commons sent a message to the Lords, to desire
that the Earle of Strafford might be sequestered from all his peaces of dignity
and honour in England and Ireland. And to desire the banishine of the Papists
in Ireland, and that there might not any remain about the Kings Court. This day
the King came to the Parliament, and sigued the Bill for Trieniall Parliaments,
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