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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 6, 26th February-5th March 1649 E.527[30]

lours flying, yet stript them as soon as they were out.
The people have been so much the more exasperated all yesterday against the
Conference or Treaty, that Mademoisell de Longvill brought a letter to the place,
that her Fathers Forces were going out of Roane the day before to come to this
place with 4000. Horse and 7000. Foot. And it was advertised that at the same
time they heard that Marshall de Thurene, had passed the Rhine with his Forces
for the same purpose. That the City of Orleans doth offer to the Pariseans,
bread, wine, and wheat in abundance; and to convoy it at their own charges as
far as Estamps if they will send thither to buy it. And that the Court is in such
necessity, that Cardinall Mazarine for avoyding the disbanding of the Switzers,
hath pawned some Jewells in the hands of Col. V.ateroll.
The people were not appeased untill night; That the Parliaments resolved to
send Post presently to St. Jermins to demand a Passe for the Kings counsell, with
the Propositions of which I have sent you the heads, & that they shall presently
bring a resolute positive answer by Tuesday night next, at the furthest, and if
they fail, the War is to be carried on by the Parliaments, not defensively as hitherto,
but offensively.
Paris the 19. Februar. 1648.49.
Heads of Propositions sent from the Parliaments in Paris to the King.
1. That the Deputy from this parliament (who shall have full power) shall be the first President.
2. That there shall be three other Presidents, and two Councellours of this Parliament,
two of the chambers of Accounts, two of the court of Aydes, two of the Townes house, two of
the Parliament of Roan, two of the Parliament of Aix, and two of the Generalls of the Parisians
Army, upon condition, That if the Duke of Orleans, or Mansier la Prince come thither,
the Prince of Conti shall go too, and if Marshall de la Millayne, or any other of his
ranke, then Mons. De Beufort, and la. Moth shall go there.
3. That as soon as the Treaty shall begin, a passage shall be opened, for the victualls to be
brought in to Paris, at the upper end of the River Lagny upon Marne, or Corbee upon
4. That (presently after the beginning) the Arest of this Parliament against Cardinall
Mazarine be executed.
5. That, though the conditions of this Treaty be not as those of the peace of Spain, yet after
it, they shall agree to teat immediately of the said peace, according to the offers made by
Arch Duke Leopold. And that all the Allyes that are interressed therein, and in the generall
peace, might come with all assurance, under such passes as they shall desire, to Paris, where the
Parliament, endeavours to have it treated on, and concluded.
Paris 18. Feb. 1648.
[unr] Edenburgh, 20 Feb. Sir Joseph Douglas, and Sir Will: Murrey of the Bedchamber,
went on Friday last to the King; the report of drawing an Army Northward
strongly alarums them: The last week and this, the Parl. have past several Laws
against incestuous Marriages, and Adultery, The Law Against Adultery is Death.
This day the Earle of Holland came to his Tryall before the high Court of Justice
in Westminster Hall. The Charge was read against him, of high treason, and
other high crimes, for leading forces in the latter warres, killing, plundering, &c.
Hee spake at first very faintly, as if hee had not been able to speak, and also during
the time he was at the Bar, he often called for a Iulip, which was given him severall
times (from his Phisition) out of a glasse.
His plea was, 1. That his fact was not capitall, but criminall, 2. That he had
quarter given him, when hee was taken in St. Needs. And 3. That both houses
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