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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 22, 11th-18th June 1649 E.530[42]

Numb. 22.
A Perfect Summary
Passages of PARLIAMENT, And other Choyce Intelligence
containing these Heads following, viz.
The Queene of England Letter to prince Charles, concerning the finall answer to
the Scots Commissioners. Col. Jones marched out of Dublin against the Marquesse of
Ormond, A fight at Kingsale. And the Overtures between the Parliaments ships and
Prince Ruperts, with the passages concerning Capt. Brocket, Governour of the Fort at
Kingsale. Letters from Scotland. Severall fights at Sea, and the Particulars there of.
And Severall Acts, Votes, and Orders of Parliament.
Imprimatur, Theodors Jennings. June 17. 1649.
From Munday the 11. of June, to Munday the 18. of June. 1649.
Beginning Munday the 11. of June.
THe house of Commons (upon a report made
from a Committee this day) ordered, that they
do approve of 1500 l. to be allowed to the Earl
of Rutland in consideration of the demolishing
of Belvoir Castle. 2. That the Arrears of the
Fee-Farm Rent of Belvoir & Cropton, (payably
by the said Earle) be allowed part of the Said
1500 l, and the remainder of the said 1500 l.
to be satisfied our of the growing Rents until
the whole be satisfied. 3. That it be referred
to the Committee of the Revenue, to make
allowance to the said Earle of Rutland accordingly.
And 4. It was referred to the Councel
of State, to enquire whither the said Belvoir
Castle be demolished, And passed Instructions for the said Councell to cause into be
done if it be not demolished.
There was also a Petition presented from the late E. of Cherbery his son, about
Montgomery Castle, The House being desirous to give some allowance for that great
losse that will be sustained, not only by pulling down the Castle, but by that means a
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